Hey all

I have just been doing a bit of an electronic storage clean up and have come across 3 X 4GB SD cards that I pulled out of some old security cameras and they are all using the MxFFS format (which appears to be a proprietary format from some quick googling).
When I plug it into my computer it says they only have a 16MB capacity, and it stays that way even in the format options (AKA I do have the option to format them to FAT through windows, but they would stay as 16MB cards which wouldn’t be great

Do any of you guys know a way to format them to FAT or NTFS and bring them back to their 4GB capacity?
I imagine there probably is some software I could use to do this as I have a vague memory of using a program to do something similar many years ago (probably to use a standard USB in gaming consoles or something like that) but figured I’d ask you all for any pointers before I start randomly downloading all kinds of crap

No stress if the answer is just a flat “Nope, can’t be done” as 4GB SD cards aren’t exactly expensive these days

Just figured I’d give it a shot as they could be useful to have around for Arduino projects

Thanks so much for your time in advance all