first of all : let me apalogize if i come over as grumpy. don't take any of it personal.
In the 80's and 90's i did all of that stuff standing on one leg , one hand behind my back , other hand with a finger in my ear and using a pencil and my mouth typing in config files. and i loved it. all of it. All the technical hoops. And we didn't know any better because there wasn't anything else or better.
Then time passes and interests shift and you don't do that stuff for a while for a while and you grow accustomed to other things.
Alas, as i am growing older and time moves on i find myself more and more grumpy and short-fused.
My knee jerk reaction is : are we still dicking around with this 20 years on ? I'll look for something that doesn't need any of this. i am too old for this. i can't remember half of it. do i really need to go and look that stuff up ? again ... ?
That's the reason i refuse to install windows 10. I can't find anything in that junk. If i wanted a command line to type in the name of the program to start i would go back to dos. And anything else you try to do is like going on a gopher hunt. It's all different from where it used to be under win 2k/xp/7. The stuff i grew up on.
It was already difficult enough adapting from win3 3.1 95 98 98se to the xp world. They changed the ui and control panels so drastically you had to learn a bunch of new stuff.
Isa cards were easy. Set jumpers for irq and base address and off you go. Then come these newfangled plug and play isa boards can't even be configured if two are initially on same base address. What drunken swiss gyneacologist came up with that ?Why don't they have a 'slot' address so that shit can't happen ? ( solved in pci and pci express as the machine knows what lane you are in)
And now we have to do it all over again with win 10. they got us used to a start menu for 15 years , and then , out of the blue : you can't have that anymore. type it in. - mnjaaargh.... there goes my bloodpressure
And the endless update cycles and other crap you can't turn off. it is 2019 and they still cannot detect when you are working with the machine and postpone updates until when the machine is truly idle ( how hard is it to do environmental monitoring . it's 2 am , there has not been any movement or sound for the past 2 hours ( apart from snoring ) , no mouse or keyboard activity for 2 hours. virtually no net traffic... maybe now is a good time. oh and it falls in the middle of the allowed time period for updates. in fact it is three hours away from the given end time, so i should try now. let me pop up a notification that says i will do updates if i don't see a mouse or keyboard stroke in the next 15 minutes. if the system sees it is now only 20 minutes before end of given timeslot and it know the update will take 40 minutes : don't even start or suggest starting.
it is 2019 and i still have to muck with shit like we had to do in 1989. That's 30 years ! What have they done in those 30 years ? Made stuff more complicated !
We're going backwards. 2000 gates and 50k of code landed man on the moon.
5 billion gates and 2 gig of code to turn on a lightbulb today. lightbulbs with a quadcore cpu running linux. -urgh-
And then, when you want to change a setting : go find your old serial port cable and dos pc and type in stuff
Oh and if you are not careful someone will hack your lightbulb to use it as a bitcoin miner and use it as a gateway for the TOR network. While installing keyloggers to break into your bank account, while trying to flog you pills. Come on grampa take the blue pillz .. make grandma happy one more time. We'll be cleaning out the bank accounts.
and people ask me why i am grumpy ...
So , when i read that story about the guy having to find out how to flash the new version , using inexisting serial ports , reconfiguring the network on his pc , having to download files and a special program first , flashing it , then undoing all the networking stuff , getting it back where it needs to be. for a dumb thing like a switch ? that pretends to be carrier grade ? i can only say one thing : WTF?
No wonder so many people claim to get bad service from their carrier. The poor people in tech support are also screaming their head off. at their hardware providers ...
read it and weep :