Products > Computers
Blu-Ray Burner Speed
simon christo:
Hi there! I have a USB 2.0 laptop with a USB 3.0 Blu-Ray Burner, connected with a USB 2.0 adapter cable.I used a 100G Triple Layer BDXL
blank disc and it formatted it to USB reading spec's at around 93.4 GigaBytes.All seemed OK until I started to burn around 90Gig of data,
and the laptop was peaking at 5MB/S and averaging around 3MB/S - which to me sounds very slow, especially when it took 8 HOURS to
BURN IT!!! It's a 4X speed disc, and USB 2.0 Ithink is around 480Mb/s - that equates to about 60MB/S maximum.The PC is a 2.8GHz I5 ASUS running Windows 10 Home.
What can I do to make it run faster?
Thanks Simon.
And what is the Burner max speed?..
If the computer is reporting 3-5 MB/s that's a pretty good indication that it's burning at 1x speed.
simon christo:
Yeah, it's only USB2.9.0 spec, and because it's a Slimline Model powered by the USB ports on a PC, it's Write speed is probally
slower than it's Read speed too.I didn't see on my Laptop, any way to adjust the speed for this drive? It just asks, whether you
want to format the disc either - USB type or as a DVD or Blu-Ray player - nothing on speed.Thanks Simon.
simon christo:
Hi there! I got the Spec's, and it says for BDXL (100 GigBytes), 4X Write is qouted for Triple-Layer.It also says that Windows 8.1 is what it was originally designed for.
It's part number is a LG, BP50B40 Slimline Blu-Ray Writer.Ive included the PDF for it as an attachment. Thanks Simon.
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