So, if not a beep code, then it sounds like this is a UEFI model of laptop, and the UEFI partition is hosed. I'd research on UEFI recovery steps for that model, to get it back to a known state (as shipped). Recovering it to a known state should knock out whatever it is that ubuntu hosed for the owner ...
I tend to not do UEFI if I can help it, so I don't have the steps at hand ... but they should be discoverable for that model of laptop. Perhaps something like:
Although you'll be searching for your exact model.
I can't imagine ubuntu hosing the flash bios, unless the owner was trying to do a separate flash bios (firmware) upgrade. If that was the case, then there should be some (gory) Fujitsu steps to recover the flash to a known factory-default state, even if something got hosed by a failed flash upgrade. I did have a failed Dell laptop flash upgrade, but there was a series of steps from Dell, spread across several support pages, one of which finally got me back to a good state.
For fujitsu A532 models, this was interesting reading, as there *was* ubuntu involved:
Takes careful reading, but they point at other links & posts where there are steps to "short a pair of pads, and recover access to bios", and such.
Hope this helps ...