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Changing files metadata in Android

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I am very new to Android and everything is a small battle.

So, I cannot choose what size photo the camera will take. It just takes huge photos, way bigger than I want or need. I was looking for a simple way to take smaller photos but no.

So, when I take photos, I get home, plug the phone into the computer, download the photos, resize them in the computer and upload them back to the phone. So far so good. Except that now the photo files have a modified date which is when I copied them to the phone and not when the photo was taken. The Gallery app shows the photos by file date modified. I do not want that.

In Windows I have an app that I can change the metadata, date created, modified, etc. How can I do this in Android? Or, how can I get the Gallery App to show the photos by EXIF date and not file date?

Check the Camera settings, there is almost always an option to select photo resolution. I haven't seen an Android (yet) which doesn't have this option. For example, the native Camera application on my Samsung Galaxy S8 has the option of 4:3, 16:9, 18.5:9 or 1:1 aspect images with resolutions varying between 2160 x 1440 to 4032 x 3024. Some phones even allow resolutions down to 640 x 480.

Yes, I have looked into it but the minimum sizes are still too big.  I find it retarded that they would not give the user the option of smaller files and not using up so much storage space. I wish I could do it but it seems the camera app does not allow it.

The minimum size I can get is 2560 x 1440. If I reduce that to 1280 x 720, which is enough for me, the file size with Irfanview is reduced to about 1/7th of the original, which means I can fit seven times more photos in my memory card and I use much less data bandwidth when sending photos to others.

I cannot understand why they would force me to take huge photos.

You may want to look at Open Camera, this allows resolutions down to 320 x 240.

I have not used it myself, I have heard about it, just installed and checked the options.


--- Quote from: andycsmith on November 14, 2019, 08:56:38 am ---You may want to look at Open Camera, this allows resolutions down to 320 x 240.

I have not used it myself, I have heard about it, just installed and checked the options.
--- End quote ---

Thanks for the tip. I installed it and it does, indeed, allow for smaller sizes. I will have to play around with it.

Still, for the photos I already took and for any future needs, I would like to know how to edit a file's metadata in Android.  In Windows I find it useful and convenient. Often I will make some change to a file but do not want it to affect the "modified" date so I can just edit it back to what it was.

In fact, I would like to know how to do this in Linux Mint / Ubuntu as well.


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