This is a continuation of
Failing Win XP HDD I managed to successfully clone a 1TB HDD to a 3TB HDD and Win XP runs fine there.
But that 3 TB HDD is for something else and too big anyway so I want to clone the 336 GB Win XP partition to a smaller 500 GB SSD.
So this is what I want to do
sda = MBR, total 3TB, HDD
- sda1 : 336 GB NTFS Win XP
- sda2 : 663 GB NTFS Storage
- Empty space : 2 TB
sdb : 480 GB, empty, SSD
I want to clone the Win XP partition here.
I did
sudo ddrescue -- force --size 350GB /dev/sda /dev/sdb /home/user/Desktop/mapfile.txtand after a couple hours it completed the cloning successfully. So far so good.
Now the SSD has the WIN XP 336 GB partition but when it tries to boot it crashes and it restarts the computer and then just crashes again and again.
I thought maybe the second, incomplete partition on the SSD was causing the problem. In Linux it shows a second partition which extends outside the size and boundaries of the SSD. Y tried to delete this (defective) partition but I get the following error:
Error deleting partition /dev/sda2: Command-line 'parted --script "/dev/sda" "rm2"' exited with non-zero exit status 1: Error: Can't have a partition outside the disk!
gparted gives the same error and will not even start.
Well, yes, so now what? How can I make that bad partition just empty space?
I think that might correct the problem and let Win XP start.