Products > Computers

Computer keeps blowing power supplies... Why?

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--- Quote from: Stray Electron on February 11, 2024, 01:37:04 pm ---
--- Quote from: MarkS on January 26, 2024, 12:05:34 am --- My niece is severely autistic and uses the computer as an outlet. She cannot be without it for long, so this needs to be fixed promptly and completely.

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   If you MUST have a reliable computer then go buy computer that is 100% made by Dell or one of the other good quality manufacturers. We have no idea what kind of bargain priced, low quality parts that you used when you built the computer or that your sister used when she replaced the PSU. And PRICE is not a measure of Quality so don't even start with that argument. There too many possibly software and hardware incompatibilities to deal with and too much poor quality hardware for anyone to troubleshoot it over the internet. Go buy a Dell or some other computer where all of the parts are known to work together as a system.

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YUP!  I have been using Dell Optiplex (their business grade line, as opposed to consumer grade) with excellent results.  One of my main desktop machines was bought used on eBay, I ran it 24x7 for 12 years and then got worried and retired it, it is still running at my mother in law's house!  And, I have had very good results with other Dell desktop machines.


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