Author Topic: why most television manufacturers make usb port so pain the ass to use?  (Read 1196 times)

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Offline aqarwaenTopic starter

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why most television manufacturers make usb port so pain the ass to use?i mean inserting  usb drive or removing is quiite there any reason why usb ports need to always be in back and hard to acess?why cant tv manufacturers make usb port more easier to acess and use?

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Re: why most television manufacturers make usb port so pain the ass to use?
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2021, 10:01:19 pm »
Because thickness on the edges usually is only large enough to fit LCD panel. Electronics are located in the middle where TV is thicker. So unless they make TV thicker on edges or make bezel very wide, there is nowhere to fit USB port. Use an extension cable.

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Re: why most television manufacturers make usb port so pain the ass to use?
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2021, 01:28:53 am »
Most brands also unnecessarily* encrypt recorded files of the "free to air" broadcast streams. The USB ports are (from the manufacturers view) so you can permanently attach a storage to the device for their exclusive use, but without them having to support/sell anything.

* necessary for them to obtain advertising/promotional rights:
Also prohibiting other consumer friendly features like seeing what the EPG showed yesterday (or a week ago, or an hour ago!) or how easily/fast you can navigate through the material.

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