Quite a few years ago, I decided to "digitise" all my 35mm transparencies, so bought an appropriate scanner.
I did a bunch of them, & it was "so far, so good", except that the scanner didn't have the dynamic range to reproduce detail of relatively dimly lit subjects, but they were quite few, so I was happy enough.
At that point, the (XP) computer crashed, & lost all of my photos.
After trying all the "clever tricks" to no avail, I put it into the "too hard basket".
I got about 6 months of storage, out of that "spinning rust" drive!
Meanwhile, the original transparencies are still "hanging in there", from 50-60 years ago!
The slide scanner disappeared into the household "black hole", & only recently emerged, minus its software disk, so I guess I will have to buy something else to do the job, plus, maybe, a standalone backup drive.
The easy way is to say, "To hell with it---when I'm gone, nobody will care, anyway!"