Author Topic: Driver-Win-10 x64 printer Lexmark X215 MFP or a decent virtual box  (Read 1055 times)

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Offline xavlaurTopic starter

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Howdy !

Does anyone know of any drivers for Win10 64 on the Lexmark X215 MFP or at least a decent virtual box, in the sense of having easy access to the print files on the Windows HDD?

I tried a few but it is very difficult and chronophagous to transfer files to the virtual partition.

Generic Lexmark driver not working for Win10 on Lexmark X215, checked and the result is unspecified device.


Offline andersm

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Re: Driver-Win-10 x64 printer Lexmark X215 MFP or a decent virtual box
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2021, 06:20:14 pm »
If you can get the printer working in a virtual machine, you can probably share it as a network printer. Most virtualization software also allow you to configure specified host folders from the VM.

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