Products > Computers

eDP cable for "upgraded" Thinkpad T420 LCD

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Thanks, that's a UK only seller but it gives me the part number, looks like that panel was used in a handful of different laptops.

Do you happen to know what specific converter board is needed? Are there any issues with the conversion or does it just work?


--- Quote from: james_s on June 06, 2023, 05:50:43 pm ---Thanks, that's a UK only seller but it gives me the part number, looks like that panel was used in a handful of different laptops.

Do you happen to know what specific converter board is needed? Are there any issues with the conversion or does it just work?

--- End quote ---

Its the type I mentioned in the first post ( They seem a bit pricey; I don't know if you can get them cheaper. There are a few topics on various forums about the mod if you do some Googling. There are quite a few different LCD models you can pick, but they are all practically the same (some may be gloss vs matt etc, but the listing ought to say). It seems to work fine for me. Windows and Linux will just see a normal 1920x1080 display. In my case, the mod board is sellotaped behind the LCD panel, but others seem to put them in the main body of the laptop.

FWIW, I gather the "T420" is different from the "T420s" and therefore needs a different mod board.

These styles of wires are absolutely the devil's own invention. Utterly tiny strands located in the most precarious positions, no physical support but the black cloth tape around it which often has to be pulled aide to connect/disconnect the connector from whatever it goes in to and often is partially stuck down to nearby boards, individual wires all totally separate so a single one can snag trivially where wires of a ribbon type cable couldn't, some slots on the connector empty so you wouldn't know where to resolder a broken wire to... I've had some horrifying near misses with this style of wire when trying to get past it to replace other internal parts on laptops, if the near misses hadn't quite missed then the machine I'm typing from today would be permanently dead.

I'm not a big fan, however for most laptops I've dealt with you can easily buy replacement cables so there's no reason for it to be permanently dead.

It looks like the cable is a straight forward 40 pin to 30 pin eDP conversion... except I can't find a replacement. I can get 40-30pin cables from China on ebay but they just have the connector on one end. I can probably get a 30-30pin cable and a 40-30pin adaptor separately.


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