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Enjoying a Quarantini - Raspberry Pi4 for Loungeroom to Loungeroom Video Calls


Hello all,

As it looks like we're going to be confined to our homes for quite some time, and then likely on and off again for periods thereafter, I started to look into building a Raspberry Pi4 project that converts my loungeroom into a video calling setup to say in face to face contact with my family and friends.  I can see this being of general appeal to many who want to say in touch and find their phones less than ideal for group and room calling.

Ideally the setup would do the following:

* Plug and play build, meaning that anyone can buy the parts and self assemble.
* Call to similar setups without commercial software (open source is the goal).
* Use the regular TV for video and audio out.
* A combined webcam with mic for video and audio in.
* Ideally running an app that has an Android and iOS version.
* Doesn't break the bank (~$200AUD)
I've searched around online and while there seems to be people attempting this, I'm yet to come across a description of a completed and reliable setup.

Current shopping list from Pi Australia comes in at $125AUD with a Pi4 (2 GB), case and power supply.  The remaining budget will likely all need to go on a webcam with built-in microphone.

So, my question is, have any of you clever buggers done this before and can tell me if this is a viable project?

If so, what are the limitations, call quality (assuming the NBN doesn't render that point moot), and compatibility between platforms and devices?

As yet I don't wish to commit to buying the Pi gear before knowing if this is to be a wild goose chase, but if there is a more-likely-than-not chance of success, I'm happy to have a crack at it and share the results.

Many thanks and happy isolation!  :scared: |  :popcorn:

Yeah, I've opted for the "Armour Case with Dual Cooling Fan" to make sure there is minimal risk of heat issues.  Good advice, thanks.

Looks like provides the software and apps that will do the job.  Anyone had luck running it on a Pi before?

Update:  Jitsi forums indicate that the Pi4 with 4 GB of RAM doesn't have the RAM nor grunt to handle video conferencing.  Sod.


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