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Fast web PC

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I need to buy a PC for heavy web browsing using several chrome plugins for websites pricing data comparison. The idea is to run hundreds of Chrome tabs each with its own plugin (at least 20 different types of plugins).

I tried with a couple of PCs (with 16Gb of RAM) but the CPS and memory get filled up quickly and the entire PC slows down to the point of taking 10-15 seconds to open a new tab and a minute to launch something simple like MS Word or even a new browser window.

All I need is just the PC, no monitor/mouse/keyboard. Preferably not more than 700-800 GBP (IF possible :) :) by prioritising the components that make the most difference)

A couple of questions:

1) what specs would I need to have a ultra fast solution for the above requirements? Which processor? Would more cores make a difference? Which is best AMD or Intel? What about type of RAM and type of SSD? Which of them makes the most difference for my application?

2) where is the best place to buy PCs nowadays in the UK? Amazon? Ebuyer? Others?

Also, I used to assemble my own PCs years ago but not sure that by the time I spend half a day assembling one the price difference is worth it? Any feedback?

Thank you :)

A second hand HP workstation with as much memory as you can fit in your budget?

Would look into using headless chrome/chromium, and puppeteer, if needed to something more complicated than simple web scraping.
Puppeteer should be able control multiple chromes running on multiple PCs rather than trying to run 100s on just one.

Thank you RenThraysk and Marco! :)

I looked up puppeteer but could not understand how I would use it for my application. Could you please give me a brief explanation?

It looks like I would need to write some code. Is that correct? I have zero experience in writing code for web...

Many thanks

A used server will work nicely. But before going there, have you tried upgrading the RAM and optimizing?

Some easy optimizations I can think of:
* Lightweight OS, for example Xubuntu.
* Adblocker, for example Ublock Origin.
* Disable media playback in browser.
* If your Internet access is fast and unlimited, lower the browser cache setting.
* Use Noscript to only enable the Javascript required for the sites to work.


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