Products > Computers

Fedora Silverblue - What is that?


Black Phoenix:

As a non experienced linux user, basically only normal routine maintenance (log analysing with lots of google search for understanding and copy of commands on a text pad and written on a book for memory) and currently 99% of all my computer use is on Fedora (forcing myself to not use Windows), I come across the Fedora Silverblue and their container based workflows. From what I read it's based in the LDK (Linux, Docker, Kubernetes) stack, but from that I simply got more confused than before.

Also I've been seeing a lot of use of Docker specially in Youtube videos and in reddit r/homelab, where people show their home labs and migrations into a Docker platform and talk wonders about how easy it is and good it is. But I simply can't understand what is that. It is like you have Linux, and then all and every app have their own container that doesn't interfere with the system below? But isn't what normal Linux currently does too, or all OS were the Apps have their own sys files and registry entries that are only them and not affect (mostly of the time) the OS? Or I'm basically totally wrong and should shut up and just forget Linux since it is not for me?

Can please some of the users of Linux here with ton more experience than me and explain me as the yellow books (For Dummies) or steer me into some resource that is easy digested and understandable but at the same time allow for experience and tentative and error?

Also how that could be used into the real world in a situation as an end user as me (if it can be used like that or simply is only for a certain type of user base).


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