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Firefox slower network than Chromium, HTTP3/QUIC problem...


I cannot find any relevant post online, so after long time suffering, now I'm starting one.
Do anyone have a similar experience that Firefox is slower in network speed comparing to Chromium?
All posts I found are talking about rendering speed, which is not my case.
When network is good, they are not hugely apart from each other.
But in most cases, my internet is bad, while Chromium can archive ~500KiB/s on some websites, Firefox only gives ~30KiB/s on same sites, big difference.
I also found Firefox do not actually use HTTP3/QUIC on any website, despite they claim to support it, maybe this is the cause?
I use this to test:
It's not setting/profile issue, because I tried each browser from new profile, same result.

Firefox v117.0.1 (64-bit) on Linux:

--- Quote ---Total requests: 3000
Success with QUIC: 3000
Success with HTTP: 0
Failed requests: 0

--- End quote ---

It may be something in the network setup or something like this.


--- Quote from: ataradov on September 28, 2023, 12:26:05 am ---Firefox v117.0.1 (64-bit) on Linux:

--- Quote ---Total requests: 3000
Success with QUIC: 3000
Success with HTTP: 0
Failed requests: 0

--- End quote ---

It may be something in the network setup or something like this.

--- End quote ---

Same result here with Firefox 118.0 on Linux. No problem.

That's strange.
I just updated from 102 ESR to 115 ESR, still not working.
I'm on Debian 11.


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