Products > Computers

Fluke Connect App - How long can you record a measurement? < 11 minutes max?!



I have used the "Fluke Connect App" on my Smartphone for the first time with my Fluke 289 and the "IR3000 FC Connector".

Unfortunately, I couldn't record my measurement any longer than 11 minutes - is this normal? ...or does the free version only have this restriction? I have enough memory left and all batteries are full.

I thought, I could measure at least several hours with the advantage of seeing the graph directly on my phone while sitting a few meters away at my desk? 10:36:14 minutes was the maximal logging time, which makes the use of the "IR3000 FC Connector" not really useful...comparing to the 24 hrs with 1 sec sample interval with the Fluke 289 itself?

Thanx & best wishes!

I have a fluke 374 that I was using FC to log current draw on a friends electric motor he was testing in his boat.  I found that the logs where short but I just assumed that it was my phone sleeping (iPhone).  I will test it again when I get home in a week or so.


I’ve not used the app for logging. I have a 1587fc and it doesn’t auto scale the graph properly, so some of the graph is under the large text for the reading. That bug makes it useless and has been reported so many times and I keep being told “it will be fixed”. I’ve had the 1587fc for 3 years now and still not fixed...

I’ve generally found the app to be crap and frustrating. I was going to buy a few 376fc clamp meters but decided to go with the keysight clamps that can take the IR to Bluetooth adaptors.


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