Author Topic: Goodbye Chrome...  (Read 5828 times)

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Online JohanH

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Re: Goodbye Chrome...
« Reply #25 on: December 23, 2024, 08:58:45 am »
here we are at the end of 2024 ... how much shit is in the computer industry today ...  :-//

Last night I had a light bulb burn out, and since I didn't have a flashlight handy I installed an application for my Android phone.
A simple flashlight app that does nothing but turn on the front LED of my phone... why the fsck does it have to show an ad for two seconds asking me to pay protection money to have it removed? 

Why!?! :horse:

Everyone knows that on the Google platform, including Android, YOU are the product. The whole thing is based on consumer data, tracking and advertisements.

If you want free and open source software without ads for Android, use the store.

Try the open source Torchlight app that they provide. I haven't tried it, so YMMV. There are other also, such as Flashy and Simple Flashlight.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2024, 09:02:11 am by JohanH »

Offline MrMobodies

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Re: Goodbye Chrome... (Tabs now working on Firefox 133+ with CSS script from 75
« Reply #26 on: December 24, 2024, 12:19:35 am »
Got it working once again in the way I want it. I was reading someone else's script trying to integrate it but the tabs seems to follow next to menu bar and can only seem to make it go above or below then I read Firefox 133 required for this other script.
/* This reorders toolbar to place tabs below other toolbars. Requires Firefox 133+ */* This reorders toolbar to place tabs below other toolbars. Requires Firefox 133+ */

Okay I thought, lets copy the Firefox 75 profiles in c:\Firefox 133 and when extracted experiment with the CSS scripts.

So I extracted Firefox, copy and rename shortcuts and the tabs started to appear but I didn't make any changes. Maybe they had reverted a few things before Firefox 90 when that css last worked.

Seems to be looking great to me.

Just the way I want it.

I'll see how this goes. Unfortunately with Adblock and Ublock, the elements load and hides stuff randomly at some point during the page load. So I'd still see the stupid animated placeholders briefly.

I had a go at Firefox 75 ESR (seemed very unstable) in 2020 along with Vivaldi got it the way I want but now it seems to time to prepare to a possible move over.

If this works well for me and ESR 133+ is released that'd be me set for a few years. Unfortunately since 90 when they made the tabs round, they also caked it in dimming overlays which is why I stopped using it for a while

Here's my configuration: (copied from random places including Github)
C:\Firefox 133\Template\Chrome\userChrome.css
Code: [Select]
#context-back image,
#context-forward image,
#context-reload image,
#context-stop image,
#context-bookmarkpage image,
#context-sep-navigation {
    display:none !important;

/* New Tab Context - move the menu item to the top */
#tabContextMenu menuitem[label="New Tab"] { -moz-box-ordinal-group: 0 !important; }
/* New Tab Context - hide the icon */
#tabContextMenu menuitem[label="New Tab"] .menu-iconic-icon { display: none !important; }

/* Firefox userChrome.css */
@namespace url("");
.tab-throbber {
list-style-image: url("chrome://mozapps/skin/places/defaultFavicon.png") !important;

/* Remove Tab Throbber Animation, from this author : [url][/url] */
.tab-throbber { display: none !important; }
.tab-icon-image { visibility: show !important; display: block !important;}
.tabbrowser-tab[progress="true"] .tab-icon-image {opacity:0.45; filter: blur(1px);}
.tab-loading-burst[bursting]::before {
background-image: none !important;
animation: unset !important;

@namespace url(;
* { transition: none !important;
animation-duration: 0s !important; }

/* Close the useless Tab Bar Full, animate New Tab, from this author : */
.tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]) {
max-width: 250px !important;
min-width: 100px !important;
.tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]):not([fadein]) {
max-width: 0.1px !important;
.closing-tabs-spacer {
width: 0 !important;

/* Remove the Ugly Distracting Transparent Tab effect, from this author : [url][/url] */
#tabbrowser-tabs > .tabbrowser-tab > .tab-stack > .tab-background * {
    background: none !important;

/* Disable the Ugly Blue Glow Tab Effect, from this author : [url][/url] */
.tabbrowser-tab[pinned][titlechanged]:not([selected="true"]) {
 background: -moz-linear-gradient(hsla(0,0%,100%,.2), hsla(0,0%,45%,.2) 2px, hsla(0,0%,32%,.2) 80%)
.tabbrowser-tab[pinned][titlechanged]:not([selected="true"]):hover {
  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(hsla(0,0%,100%,.6), hsla(0,0%,100%,.2) 4px, hsla(0,0%,75%,.2) 80%) !important;

/* Disable the Tab Highlighting Fearure (absoluetly Useless for a normal use), from this author : */
.tabbrowser-tab:not([selected="true"]) > .tab-image-middle {
  background-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/tab-middle-bkgnd.png") !important;
.tabbrowser-tab:hover:not([selected="true"]) > .tab-image-middle {
  background-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/tab-middle-bkgnd.png") !important;

/* Remove some Random Annoying Animations in the Toolbar, from this author :  annoying animations [url][/url] */
* {
animation-delay: 0ms !important;
animation-duration: 0ms !important;
transition: none !important;

/* Remove the Very Ugly and Distracting and Useless Hamburger Button (because it is redundant with the arrows) */
#PanelUI-menu-button {display: none;}

#PopupAutoCompleteRichResult {

  display: none!important;

/* TABS: on bottom */
#navigator-toolbox toolbar:not(#nav-bar):not(#toolbar-menubar) {-moz-box-ordinal-group:10}
#TabsToolbar {-moz-box-ordinal-group:1000!important}

#TabsToolbar {
 display: block !important; /*required for 71+*/
 position: absolute !important;
 bottom: 0 !important;
 width: 100vw !important;

#tabbrowser-tabs {
  width: 100vw !important;

*|*:root:not([chromehidden*="toolbar"]) #navigator-toolbox {padding-bottom: var(--tab-min-height) !important;}

/* TABS: height */
*|*:root {
 --tab-toolbar-navbar-overlap: 0px !important;
 --tab-min-height: 27px !important; /* adjust to suit your needs */
 --tab-min-width: 80px !important;
 --tabstoolbar-adjust: 0px; /* menubar and titlebar hidden */

#TabsToolbar {
 height: var(--tab-min-height) !important;
 margin-bottom: 1px !important;
 box-shadow: ThreeDShadow 0 -1px inset, -moz-dialog 0 1px !important;

#tabbrowser-tabs > .tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox,
.tabbrowser-tabs[positionpinnedtabs] > .tabbrowser-tab[pinned] {
  min-height: var(--tab-min-height) !important;
  max-height: var(--tab-min-height) !important;

/* TabsToolbar with menubar and titlebar hidden */
 #toolbar-menubar[autohide="true"] ~ #TabsToolbar{
  bottom: var(--tab-min-height) !important;
  padding-top: calc(var(--tab-min-height) + var(--tabstoolbar-adjust)) !important; /*adjust var*/

*|*:root[tabsintitlebar]:not([inFullscreen="true"]) #toolbar-menubar[autohide="true"]
 ~ #TabsToolbar .titlebar-buttonbox-container {
  visibility: hidden !important;

/* drag space */
.titlebar-spacer[type="post-tabs"] {
  width: 40px;

/* Override vertical shifts when moving a tab */
#navigator-toolbox[movingtab] > #titlebar > #TabsToolbar {
  padding-bottom: unset !important;
#navigator-toolbox[movingtab] #tabbrowser-tabs {
  padding-bottom: unset !important;
  margin-bottom: unset !important;
#navigator-toolbox[movingtab] > #nav-bar {
  margin-top: unset !important;

/* hide indicators */
.private-browsing-indicator {display: none !important;}
.accessibility-indicator    {display: none !important;}

/* based on [url][/url] */
#urlbar[breakout][breakout-extend]:not([open]) {
top: calc((var(--urlbar-toolbar-height) - var(--urlbar-height)) / 2) !important;
left: 0 !important;
width: 100% !important;
#urlbar[breakout][breakout-extend]:not([open]) > #urlbar-input-container {
height: var(--urlbar-height) !important;
padding-block: 0px !important;
padding-inline: 0px !important;
#urlbar[breakout][breakout-extend][breakout-extend-animate] > #urlbar-background {
animation-name: none !important;
#urlbar[breakout][breakout-extend]:not([open]) > #urlbar-background {
box-shadow: none !important;

#urlbar-results { display:none!important; }

Target: "C:\Firefox 133\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -Profile "C:\Firefox 133\template" -no-remote
Start in: "C:\Firefox 133\Mozilla Firefox"

There I can just copy the template and rename it to a website name to keep them separate and add a nice little ICO image to it. I do this to keep them separate to help prevent session hijacking (I use another dedicated browser profile for that) and aggressive advertising where the same advert partner might advertise something I looked at on Amazon and advertise it on some banner elsewhere cheaper.

Thanks to all the folks and on Github for this.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2024, 12:59:52 am by MrMobodies »

Offline bson

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Re: Goodbye Chrome...
« Reply #27 on: December 24, 2024, 01:22:21 am »
I switched to Firefox maybe 6 months ago, not for any dislike of Google or Chrome, but simply because Chrome wasn't working right on Fedora 40.  It had a tendency to seize up the gnome desktop for 10-20 seconds at a time.  FF didn't so I switched and see not reason to go back.

I switched from MacOS to Linux because the former is a PITA as a general-purpose dev system.  I wanted to build an old gcc cross compiler based on 3.2.8 (the last version with ns32k code generation) and it predates Mach-O object files so needs either ELF or a.out.  GNU ld doesn't support MacOS, and the Apple linker dropped support for a.out files a long time ago.  So reached for my rarely used Dell XPS 9700, installed a second SSD for Linux, tried a few different distros and settled on Fedora.  Built gcc (and fixed a few problems so it could build with the latest gcc) and was off to the races.  Set up Linux to my liking and it's just so nice to have what feels like a Unix workstation again - gnome is really nice and it feels like a Unix system with a nice UI, the same reason I switched to MacOS from Sun Solaris around 2005.  Setting and up and getting familiar with Fedora made me realize again how far MacOS had deviated over time, to how boxed-in it was.  I now have everything I need on F40 (and F41 on a 14900K desktop) and only ever need the Mac for a single use: photography.  That's still not realistic with Linux, but pretty much everything technical... it just rocks.

Offline DukeNukeDesign

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Re: Goodbye Chrome...
« Reply #28 on: December 24, 2024, 12:42:16 pm »
I completely agree with you. Google’s move to disable uBlock Origin was the final straw for me as well. I’ve switched to Firefox, and I’m very happy so far—especially because effective ad-blocking is still possible. Some people like Brave for its built-in ad-blocking features, but personally, I prefer Firefox for its open-source philosophy and supportive community
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Offline 5U4GB

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Re: Goodbye Chrome...
« Reply #29 on: December 24, 2024, 12:44:52 pm »
Brave is another really good chromium based browser, with out of the box ad blocking. Plus listening to Brendan Eich speak, he does at least seem to have a genuine interest in what is good for the user rather than the usual corpo-speak slop.

+1 for Brave, which I switched to after Chrome disabled uBlock Origin and was astounded at how much crap there was without uBlock around to get rid of it.

Offline N0NB

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Re: Goodbye Chrome...
« Reply #30 on: December 24, 2024, 01:30:20 pm »
For those like me that run Openwrt on their router, using Adblock helps a lot and then uBlock Origin can clean up the rest.  It really helps to clean up the phones when they're connected to the LAN.

As for the flashlight, this is why I like my Motorola (Lenovo) phone.  The stock firmware has a flashlight app that interprets two "chopping" motions while holding the phone as the flashlight toggle.  One does have to have a good grip on the phone...
- Nate

The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true.
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Offline MrMobodies

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Re: Goodbye Chrome...
« Reply #31 on: December 24, 2024, 04:15:52 pm »
Just slowly migrating stuff across to Firefox incase the worst comes to the worst but had some problems last night.

For those like me that run Openwrt on their router, using Adblock helps a lot and then uBlock Origin can clean up the rest.
Speaking of which some of the Adblock/Ublock rules I put in don't seem to work as intended with Firefox like it does with Chrome. I notice this before with Palemoon when one element rule also hides other things but not with Chrome. I had some problems last night with Firefox and some new things added to Youtube recenlty wouldn't hide despite being hidden by Vivaldi (Chrome).

I am going to see if I can clean them up later and merge them in the block list. A bit tired after last due to the frustration of spending several hours trying to hide that annoying suggest box and that search icon that keeps on flashing on and off when clicking on the search box.

With the blocklist.txt hosted by RebexTinyWebServer and added to Adblock or Ublock
Firefox Adblock rules:
Code: [Select]
##.progress-spinner progress-spinner--large.s-progressive-spinner
##.recs-loading.recs-text-row recs-text-row recs-section-one
|| >
[url=][/url]##scroll-container >
##.persist-question shown

Firefox Ublock rules
Code: [Select]
##.progress-spinner progress-spinner--large.s-progressive-spinner
[url=][/url]##scroll-container >
! 24/12/2024 [url][/url]
##.ytSearchboxComponentSearchButton > span > div
##.ytd-masthead.ytSearchboxComponentDesktop.ytSearchboxComponentHost > button > yt-icon >
I am hoping that the effort I put into it will pay off with a frustration free experience for a while.
Lots of profiles to add soon with the bookmarks.

There's also LibreWolf if you want to decouple a little more from Mozilla / Firefox. Among other things, it comes with uBlock Orgin already included as standard, so I don't see any chance of it being blocked.

Looks to me just like another copy of Firefox 133 and portable too :-+ with a few extra added functionality that even works too with the browser profile and Userchrome.css copied over from Firefox 75.

The Tabview I think could be quite useful for a niche purpose when too many tabs open and want to close many down quickly but not everything.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2024, 08:28:57 pm by MrMobodies »

Online SteveThackery

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Re: Goodbye Chrome...
« Reply #32 on: December 25, 2024, 12:56:51 pm »
Meh. Firefox works for me. I used to use Opera, but they have basically become Chrome with a different name. They don't even try to differentiate themselves anymore.

Furthermore, Opera is now Chinese owned, which is why I don't use it any more.

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Re: Goodbye Chrome...
« Reply #33 on: December 25, 2024, 01:26:52 pm »
I have been doing browser separation for quite some time now. Google products go in the Chrome browser, Firefox for the vast majority of tasks and, for some random sites that do not work well on Firefox, I use Chromium ungoogled. This seems to work well, although I don't use an ad blocker.
Vbe - vídeo blog eletrônico

Oh, the "whys" of the datasheets... The information is there not to be an axiomatic truth, but instead each speck of data must be slowly inhaled while carefully performing a deep search inside oneself to find the true metaphysical sense...
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Offline 5U4GB

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Re: Goodbye Chrome...
« Reply #34 on: December 26, 2024, 04:18:23 am »
I have been doing browser separation for quite some time now. Google products go in the Chrome browser, Firefox for the vast majority of tasks and, for some random sites that do not work well on Firefox, I use Chromium ungoogled. This seems to work well, although I don't use an ad blocker.

I had Chrome reserved purely for various Google sites that don't work well in Firefox, my main browser.  However I've found Brave to be a more than adequate substitute, particularly since Chrome started wanting me to sign in to a Google account for every little thing I tried to do.
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Re: Goodbye Chrome...
« Reply #35 on: December 28, 2024, 01:09:13 am »
Do you know what underlying search engine Brave actually uses? It's not their own, I'm pretty sure.

Besides Google and Bing, who else out there actually has created their own search engine? Not many more, I'd reckon.
Look pal, don't give me that shit. I fucking know how to "Google"*, like, I don't know, every other person on the planet.

I'm intentionally asking people here instead of having to wade through dozens of irrelevant "hits".

* I hate the "verbification" of that name.
So literally asking others to answer trivial questions for you? Not dozens of irrelevant hits, that obvious search term gets right to the point.

So by that reasoning, maybe Dave should just shut down this forum. After all, who needs it when you can just "google" your question?

So you know how to google but are so bad at it you need to ask others to do it for you?

No, I just don't need nannies like you suggesting how I should go about getting my information.

Go away.
You've earned a permanent spot on my ignore list. I have yet to see a positive contribution to a discussion from you and I doubt I ever would have. Now I won't need to wonder.
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Offline radiolistener

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Re: Goodbye Chrome...
« Reply #36 on: December 28, 2024, 07:10:16 pm »
thanks for info, it's time to backup current chrome version and block it's update.

Offline MrMobodies

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Re: Goodbye Chrome...
« Reply #37 on: December 29, 2024, 05:10:08 am »
thanks for info, it's time to backup current chrome version and block it's update.

Here's what I'd do:
Copy Chrome to directory named after it's version number. So for Chrome 125:
C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application
C:\Browserprofiles\Programs\Chrome 125

Sometimes the program is in c:\users\<your account name>\appdata\local\google for single user install so copy from there.
Copy your Chrome profile:
C:\Users\<Your account name>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data

Copy chrome shortcut and edit:
"C:\Browserprofiles\Programs\Chrome 125\chrome.exe" --user-data-dir="C:\Browserprofiles\User\Googlechrome\templates\125Template"

Start in: "C:\Browserprofiles\Programs\Chrome 125"

Once it starts with everything clear what you don't want.

Also find softwarereporter.exe and delete.
May not be necessary as it should only update in the folder it was installed in:
and C:\Program Files\Google\GoogleUpdater
Find Task Scheduler and remove the tasks

Copy your extensions (developer mode in extensions and load unpacked)
Find out their names according to the extensions tab and rename in the copy what they are.

The problem with that is when installed you may get a nagging message on startup about them and whether you want to disable them.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2024, 05:24:03 am by MrMobodies »

Online DiTBho

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Re: Goodbye Chrome...
« Reply #38 on: December 29, 2024, 10:57:52 am »
I switched from MacOS to Linux because the former is a PITA as a general-purpose dev system.  I wanted to build an old gcc cross compiler based on 3.2.8 (the last version with ns32k code generation) and it predates Mach-O object files so needs either ELF or a.out. 
GNU ld doesn't support MacOS, and the Apple linker dropped support for a.out files a long time ago.  So reached for my rarely used Dell XPS 9700, installed a second SSD for Linux, tried a few different distros and settled on Fedora.

I owned an Apple Book Air M1, which unfortunately got stolen.
I had the same kind of problem, which I solved by putting GNU/Linux into a virtual machine under MacOS.

GNU/Linux vs BSD/MacOS is kind of a:b = c:d

I support several old versions of gcc, from 2.95 onwards, from aout to ecof to elf.
I must say that in addition to the problem you had, many things also depend on the ecosystem(1)
and once again it is quicker to use a virtual machine (or a container(Linux))

only ever need the Mac for a single use: photography.
That's still not realistic with Linux, but pretty much everything technical... it just rocks.

+= FinalCut

(1) talking about recompiling old linux kernels, such as 2.2, 2.4, 2.6
e.g. kernel 2.6.* has NO support for gcc > 4
But also Makefile synthax is incompatible, and there are also problem with perl-scripts
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Offline shapirus

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Re: Goodbye Chrome...
« Reply #39 on: December 29, 2024, 11:13:55 am »
I wonder if anyone will have the resources (as the code base is huge and complex) to fork and keep on developing Firefox/Gecko when Mozilla corporation as we know it goes bankrupt and ceases to exist, and that's going to happen pretty soon I believe.

Besides, Firefox is no longer a focus for Mozilla, as they're turning it from "the company behind an excellent web browser" to yet another AI/ad/whatever-BS-of-the-day company, so Firefox is pretty much doomed, unless someone capable forks it. In addition, they are making some insane management and financial decisions, so there's not much hope for them.

As far as I see it, the web browser scene's future looks quite grim. It's another part of the general trend to the destruction of the internet we once had.
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Offline MrMobodies

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Re: Goodbye Chrome...
« Reply #40 on: December 30, 2024, 08:45:23 pm »
There's Palemoon which had been going since 2009 where they had been trying to maintain and adapt what looks to me like some build from Firefox 21 with some compatibility with the extensions from that time or ones they rebuilt but it seems slow at certain things which is a shame.
Welcome to Pale Moon – Your Browser, Your Way™
at the expense of performance.
It's great for Eevblog with no lagging or stalling so I use that here and just about manages Imgur with the Headerhiderfixerhider script via Greasemonkey.

Offline shapirus

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Re: Goodbye Chrome...
« Reply #41 on: December 30, 2024, 09:06:48 pm »
There's Palemoon which had been going since 2009 where they had been trying to maintain and adapt what looks to me like some build from Firefox 21 with some compatibility with the extensions from that time or ones they rebuilt but it seems slow at certain things which is a shame.
One issue with all these marginal (as opposed to mainstream) browsers, as good as they might be, is that they do not support the vast assortment of extensions that are available for the mainstream browsers.

I use quite a lot of extensions with Firefox: from the absolutely mandatory NoScript and uBlock Origin to UI tweakers (such as the one that brings back the "View Image" context menu entry and others that undo certain idiotic decisions of the FF's UI designers) and specific website tweakers such as a search results blacklist for Google and a debullshittifier extension for Twitter. And more things like the "undisable right click" or "improve contrast" (which fixes the awesome "grey text on grey background" pages) addons and so on and so forth.

As good as an alternative browser might be, it would be useless to me without support for all, or most, of these extensions. Nowadays being a good web browser alone is not enough. Many extensions are required for any browser to at least partially remediate the enshittification that happened to the WWW during the last 15 years or so.

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Re: Goodbye Chrome...
« Reply #42 on: December 31, 2024, 05:11:20 am »
[...] and a debullshittifier extension for Twitter.

I gotta ask: how does that work?

Offline Monkeh

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Re: Goodbye Chrome...
« Reply #43 on: December 31, 2024, 05:13:31 am »
[...] and a debullshittifier extension for Twitter.

I gotta ask: how does that work?

Making the entire site a blank page would be highly effective.
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Offline radiolistener

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Re: Goodbye Chrome...
« Reply #44 on: December 31, 2024, 05:23:45 am »
Many extensions are required for any browser to at least partially remediate the enshittification that happened to the WWW during the last 15 years or so.

Actually not so many, just ublock and switcheroo redirector. This is enough. :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 2024, 05:25:31 am by radiolistener »

Online DaneLaw

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Re: Goodbye Chrome...
« Reply #45 on: December 31, 2024, 06:19:25 am »
You can extent Ublock Origin another ½ year, so it will work to mid 2025.. (at least)
It's down to Google closing support for manifest v2 extensions for v3 which restricts extensions quite a bit.

But If you wanna extend your Manifest V2 dateline so you can keep using the original Ublock Origin & Manifest V2 extensions.

* Open a clean notepad.
* Paste this single line:
*Save it as as .reg file
*Run the file and agree to add it to the registry.

For people on Mac.. use terminal and depending on which browser you use, paste the below sequence to extend manifest v2 support.
defaults write ExtensionManifestV2Availability -int 2

*Chrome Beta:
defaults write ExtensionManifestV2Availability -int 2

defaults write com.brave.Browser.plist ExtensionManifestV2Availability -int 2

*Brave Beta:
defaults write com.brave.Browser.beta.plist ExtensionManifestV2Availability -int 2

// You can also use "Ublock Origin Lite" on Chrome which is a manifest V3-based extension, but also way more limited than Ublock Origin.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2024, 01:21:36 pm by DaneLaw »
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Offline shapirus

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Re: Goodbye Chrome...
« Reply #46 on: December 31, 2024, 09:48:58 am »
[...] and a debullshittifier extension for Twitter.

I gotta ask: how does that work?
I have no clue as to how it works, but I know what it does: it removes the unnecessary nonsense and adds UI tweaks that improve UX. I use this one:

Of course it's up to the user to decide which particular features they want to add or remove.

Works great.

Of course, it does not affect what's in the posts. That's up to the user: choose carefully whom you subscribe to. And that's another thing where this addon is useful: it has an option that removes all recommended/suggested posts and keeps only the content actually produced by those whom the user has explicitly subscribed to (like for example it used to be in LJ back in the day).
« Last Edit: December 31, 2024, 09:53:36 am by shapirus »

Offline mcinque

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Re: Goodbye Chrome...
« Reply #47 on: December 31, 2024, 01:17:52 pm »
Due to online banking and other security required applications, I steer away from non-mainstream browsers.

You have no reason to feel safer using mainstream browsers; Popular browsers such as Chrome are prime targets for cyber attacks for one simple reason: they are the most widely used and therefore provide a higher return to attackers.

This does not mean that they are inherently less secure, but that their popularity exposes them to higher risk.

Moreover, security does not depend on the notoriety of the browser, but on factors such as:

The speed with which bugs are fixed.
The adoption of good practices by the user.
The focus on avoiding risky extensions or behaviors.

Many lesser-known browsers implement equally good or superior security techniques and, because they are less common, are less attractive to attackers. Ultimately, choosing a “mainstream” browser does not automatically guarantee you more security. On the contrary, with the right precautions, an alternative browser can be an equally good, if not better, choice.

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Re: Goodbye Chrome...
« Reply #48 on: January 02, 2025, 03:18:06 am »
// You can also use "Ublock Origin Lite" on Chrome which is a manifest V3-based extension, but also way more limited than Ublock Origin

If I can't add elements to it specific to what I want then it's useless to me.

I have no interest and don't use other filterlists as the suggestions, decorations and the animations bother me more than anything else.

I remember before 2015 I never felt the need for adblock and found other ways to block the most serious offenders such as advertising hosts that were involved in distributing malware either through the Windows hosts file or pfsense firewall. It all started with Google Suggestions when they removed the option leaving me with the complete=0 url, then totally removing that where it still worked on this longer forgotten Elmer theme url of theirs and discovering Adblock can hide the suggestions lines when someone lied to me in the Google product forums saying "It was built in"... bullshit and I proved them wrong when I got some assistance from the Adblock forum. They seem so concerned as I remember of going to great lengths to hide it but they don't understand how irritating it is for me to a point where I can't concentrate to use it.

Ebay eventually removed the little suggestion hide element symbol to turn off suggestions so Abp adblock came use there too.

Then came along the RAM in yer face, SPAMMY FIXED HEADERS starting from Ebay basketbar and purchase bar, then Amazon started to do the same, then came along the spinners, dimming overlays, picture obscuring gradients that make it look dingey and when I think it couldn't get any worse, the animated skeletons placeholders that seem to slow the whole thing down and delay the page as it loads.

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Re: Goodbye Chrome...
« Reply #49 on: January 02, 2025, 11:47:52 am »
There's Palemoon which had been going since 2009 where they had been trying to maintain and adapt what looks to me like some build from Firefox 21 with some compatibility with the extensions from that time or ones they rebuilt but it seems slow at certain things which is a shame.

I tried a few of the Firefox forks but found they were just too much for the small number of maintainers on most of them to keep up with, typically a fork of an oldish code base that resurfaced annoying Firefox bugs I hadn't seen for years, combined with heroic attempts to keep things updated that weren't managing to stay up to date.  I really wanted to like them but ended up each time falling back to Firefox.

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