Author Topic: Grid32.ocx  (Read 3441 times)

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Online bostonmanTopic starter

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« on: July 12, 2020, 04:06:31 pm »
Many years ago I purchased a computer card game that was developed by someone in my area many years ago. The card game itself is relatively popular in this state and not something I can find elsewhere.

Recently I tried installing it on a Windows 10 PC and got the following error when I tried running the game:

Component ‘grid32.ocx’ or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.

After doing some research, it seems this is no longer part of Windows. I found websites that have it for download, but reluctant should it be a virus. Also, I'm uncertain if this is the only error I'll get should I solve this problem, but figured I'd start with this one.

Online Ian.M

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Re: Grid32.ocx
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2020, 05:13:42 pm »
You may be S.O.L.

grid32.ocx is part of the Visual Basic 6 runtimes,and according to microsoft is officially unsupported on Windows 7 and newer OSes:

You could try copying it from an existing Windows XP or Vista installation (where the offending program runs), otherwise its the wilds of the WWW and trying to find a somewhat trustworthy source for it!  Once you've got it it needs placing it in System32 or SysWOW64 depending on your OS and registering it with regsvr32.exe.  Even so YMMV, as one presumes Microsoft dropped support for it for a reason, and some incompatibilities have been reported.

Edit: Mechatrommer reckons it came from VB5 not VB6
« Last Edit: July 12, 2020, 07:57:29 pm by Ian.M »

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Re: Grid32.ocx
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2020, 05:15:41 pm »
Yes it may trigger a chain reaction of other missing dependencies. And i am not sure if Win10 would allow OCX to register or run in the first place . I'd suggest a virtual machine with a WinXP to run that game and if required install the OCX and its dependencies if required.
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Online Ian.M

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Re: Grid32.ocx
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2020, 05:33:42 pm »
There's a light-weight, cut-down version of Windows XP that's IMHO particularly well suited to running in a VM with minimal resources to support legacy software.   See
Its officially NLA but the ISOs are still out there as is SP3 for WinXP Embedded. 

Caution: an XP box or VM not protected by a good external firewall can be pwned and part of a botnet before it even finishes Windows Setup!

Offline Wilksey

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Re: Grid32.ocx
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2020, 06:48:09 pm »
Yes, it is part of visual basic, you might be able to download the VB runtime from MS to install it, I might have a copy of it (I have a VS ENT 6 Install CD somewhere) that I could try and find if you still need it.

You can register it in the local folder on Windows by going into command prompt (as admin) and typing: regsvr32 grid32.ocx, it'll then pop up a box telling you that you have registered it successfully.

Offline Mechatrommer

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Re: Grid32.ocx
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2020, 07:18:26 pm »
just in case if you can trust the attached file... if you do extract and copy it to the either app's or windows' directory and your app still cant run, ask again with quote of this post on what happen or how to register it properly. but then as Ian stated, its not guaranteed to work on your newer Windows. fwiw...

You may be S.O.L.
grid32.ocx is part of the Visual Basic 6 runtimes,and according tomicrosoft is officially unsupported on Windows 7 and newer OSes:
i dont think its with VB6, i have this VB version always installed in my system and grid32.ocx is not coming with it, i have to make a copy of it from much earlier version i think, maybe VB5. its stored separately in my personal folder. the one that comes with VB6 is dbgrid32.ocx, but then i dont think i ever used those components in any of my apps.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2020, 07:33:07 pm by Mechatrommer »
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Online Ian.M

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Re: Grid32.ocx
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2020, 08:01:09 pm »
That seems likely.  My XP netbook which has the VB6 runtimes but not anything earlier has dbgrid32.ocx but no grid32.ocx

Online bostonmanTopic starter

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Re: Grid32.ocx
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2020, 11:46:08 pm »
Unfortunately I'm not installing this on a Win 10 machine that's mine. My computer still runs XP (I know... I'm in the process of upgrading my PC) so the game works fine on mine.

If I attempt to install files on the other machine that's not mine, and screw it up, I'll feel bad.

As for this file, is this some sort of linked file that connects the game (that was created in VB) to something Microsoft had pre Win 10, or is this a file that gets installed by the game, but isn't "registered" (I don't get why a file has to be "registered").


Offline mikerj

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Re: Grid32.ocx
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2020, 12:25:44 am »
VB6 still runs ok on Windows 10, even the 64 bit version though you have to jump through a few hoops to get it working properly.  Presumably the OP only has the executable rather than the installer, so there may be other dependencies.  A copy of grid32.ocx can be written to C:\Windows\SysWOW64 and registered via the command line ("regsvr32 grid32.ocx"), but you need a trustworthy source for the ocx file. 


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