Author Topic: How and when the TRIM command works with Samsung SSD drives  (Read 1626 times)

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Offline BatucadaTopic starter

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How and when the TRIM command works with Samsung SSD drives
« on: December 22, 2024, 08:01:27 pm »

A few days ago, I sent all the data from an SSD drive that I was running in RAID1 mode on the ICY-Box hardware base on the Mac OS to nirvana. Nothing bad happened electrically. I wanted to install a second RAID1 system using the switch settings of the existing system as a guide. I mixed up the USB plugs and “treated” the existing RAID1 system a second time with the RAID Assistant of the MacOS hard disk utility. As I understand it, not much should have happened, but the result is that the previous data can no longer be accessed. The RAID1 system consists of ICY-Box + 2 SSD disks from Samsung SSD 870 QVO 2TB.

Now I just have this question: Is it correct that the SSD drives are deleted independently by the internal TRIM command of the SSD drive as soon as it is started by RAID Assistant of the MacOS Disk Utility. And now comes the second question: Is knowledge of the existence and functionality part of the basic knowledge of a technician who deals with data recovery?

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