It doesn't need to fix it, it needs to detect it. So it's enough for what I need
Yesterday, I verified a couple of voluntary damaged ram-sticks, moving them in random positions: always detected as defective, no false positives and no false negatives! So this method seems to works!
The ram-disk allocates banks linearly and always in the same way. It helps a lot! SSDs are not so generous and not so simple.
I agree SSDs need a different and dedicated new strategy!
That's good that you have made progress with your ram checking strategies/software. People seem to sometimes sell faulty ram sticks (especially older generation ones, which are in a pile, gathering dust on their work bench, perhaps), possibly even piles of them, fairly cheaply on ebay. That would be another method of getting 'bad' ram sticks, and it also might get you more genuine and realistic, fault conditions.
You're right, SSDs are tricky!
The thing is (going by rumors I've heard), even when they are working 100% perfectly, they can be problematic. Such as significant/big performance losses, because there was too little room left on the SSD, so it used slow and slower strategies, in order to read and especially write to the disk.
When/if you buy actual raw flash chips, with the bigger types (smaller types, can be guaranteed to be 'perfect'), they actually can come with defective 'sectors' on the flash chip. I.e. they only guarantee that, you will get at least a certain number of 'marked as good' sectors, but the rest can be marked on the flash chip as 'bad', 'please do not use, failed testing'.
I'm a bit green as regards these chips, but understanding the differences between NAND and NOR flash types, seems to be a good starting point.
When reading those datasheets, it makes me wonder how at the factory, they were able to rapidly check each flash chip, and its sectors (or whatever its memory sub-units are called), for reliability. Without needing to take ages (long test times, usually highly undesirable on the production line) and
especially, without needing to actually life test 'burn out, wear out' the actual flash cells/memory.
I suppose they could use high temperatures (but that makes the testing more expensive and time consuming, as well) and measure leakage currents or something. Yes, I do wonder how they do such advanced testing, and so quickly, on the production line ?
I do know that they can do extensive batch testing, on a small number of each batch of chips. Which could involve, testing them to destruction (e.g. wearout), but I can't see how that would help them know which sectors on a flash chip are bad.
Wild speculation:
Maybe it is all to do with the quality of the insulation layer(s), between adjacent flash memory cells. Which they could carefully measure, using expensive/accurate/calibrated/sensitive current/voltage measurements, using secret test patterns and pins/connect-points, possibly at raised temperatures.
The reason I'm saying the above, is because an SSD, really boils down to the flash chip(s) that are inside it, and some controller/interface stuff, built into it.