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Re: How much memory do Chrome take on your computer?
« Reply #75 on: February 20, 2020, 09:16:52 pm »
If people truly want their privacy back they have to accept that they have to pay for stuff. But people don't want to pay for stuff so it's a race to the bottom that big corporate exploits. Sadly most people are too stupid to see it.

I honestly have no idea what you're trying to say there. Privacy and payment for some undefined "stuff" are related how?

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Re: How much memory do Chrome take on your computer?
« Reply #76 on: February 20, 2020, 09:20:59 pm »
No i have not read the links yet. You draw the wrong conclusion. Facebook is full of echo chambers where people can be easily profiled and matched to a stereotype as the sort of box they fit in is obvious by where they hang out and who else with. I don't go in for that. There was no actual debate or exchange of ideas so i left. But they are all still in there allowing themselves to be observed and profiled in what already profiles them nicely just by taking part. I like to go to multiple sources for information not just hang out with people that agree with me. I want my opinions challenged so that unless I can make a reasonable argument I have to look at what i think again.

Advertising really does not work on me. I buy when there is a need. Yes, i know that advertising is meant to create a need for the product not just present it to me. Most advertising gives me the creeps. I remember a radio advert for amazons tablet product. The actor was all smugg about what a great present he got and so cheap. It had the opposite effect on me. To me it was not saying this is a cheap gift that will impress, it was saying this is how to show you care even if you don't enough to just spend the necessary on what you really think the receiver of the gift wanted. Funnily enough google ran a similar add this xmas. Most adverts try to show how much better people with think of you if you buy such and such product, meh, i don't care for impressing people. If i need something then i do some research into what is available.

As for being profiled for nefarious purposes like i said, it's not free, nothing is free.

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Re: How much memory do Chrome take on your computer?
« Reply #77 on: February 20, 2020, 09:26:05 pm »
If people truly want their privacy back they have to accept that they have to pay for stuff. But people don't want to pay for stuff so it's a race to the bottom that big corporate exploits. Sadly most people are too stupid to see it.

I honestly have no idea what you're trying to say there. Privacy and payment for some undefined "stuff" are related how?

Is facebook free? well to you and me yes. So that means some benevolent millionaire created this thing for us for free when he was not a millionaire just out of the goodness of his heart? No of course not, so haw is it funded? well you tell me. Somehow "someone" is paying. Recent scandals have made clear what coorporations think of us.

As i pointed out above. The Uk met office has over 100 tracker cookies from all sorts of totally unrelated companies. why? and yes their service is free.

If we just paid for the services we used maybe the companies would not fund themselves off other means. If facebook said tomorrow that you could pay $5 a month to use their service and never be tracked again do you think people would pay? no they would allow themselves to be tracked instead so that they can get the service for free.

Offline GeorgeOfTheJungle

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Re: How much memory do Chrome take on your computer?
« Reply #78 on: February 20, 2020, 09:33:39 pm »
i recently left a group that bashes our prime minister who i hate as much as the next rational person does

Oh well, compared to Ed Miliband, Jeremy Corbin or Diane Abbot he's Albert Einstein... >:D
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Offline Mr. Scram

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Re: How much memory do Chrome take on your computer?
« Reply #79 on: February 20, 2020, 09:37:01 pm »
No i have not read the links yet. You draw the wrong conclusion. Facebook is full of echo chambers where people can be easily profiled and matched to a stereotype as the sort of box they fit in is obvious by where they hang out and who else with. I don't go in for that. There was no actual debate or exchange of ideas so i left. But they are all still in there allowing themselves to be observed and profiled in what already profiles them nicely just by taking part. I like to go to multiple sources for information not just hang out with people that agree with me. I want my opinions challenged so that unless I can make a reasonable argument I have to look at what i think again.

Advertising really does not work on me. I buy when there is a need. Yes, i know that advertising is meant to create a need for the product not just present it to me. Most advertising gives me the creeps. I remember a radio advert for amazons tablet product. The actor was all smugg about what a great present he got and so cheap. It had the opposite effect on me. To me it was not saying this is a cheap gift that will impress, it was saying this is how to show you care even if you don't enough to just spend the necessary on what you really think the receiver of the gift wanted. Funnily enough google ran a similar add this xmas. Most adverts try to show how much better people with think of you if you buy such and such product, meh, i don't care for impressing people. If i need something then i do some research into what is available.

As for being profiled for nefarious purposes like i said, it's not free, nothing is free.
I'm not sure what is achieved by repeating that advertising does not work on you while also ignoring a reasonably well researched post with sources that detail why and how it really does. It even addresses your arguments pretty much point for point. Advertisements don't work the way you think, which is also in the links posted. Obviously advertising is only a small part of why keeping your data to yourself is important as was also detailed in the second section of the message.

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Re: How much memory do Chrome take on your computer?
« Reply #80 on: February 20, 2020, 09:46:10 pm »
Yes so everything I do is logged. i could try and get a copy of it, and what am i supossed to do about it? like i said, you want free stuff accept the spying. Don't want to be spied on then boycott them and complain to legislators that even paid services will track you because it would seem it's legal,

I'll tell you why advertising does not work on me: i don't have any money to waste! cool you got a product to sell, great, I don't need it and would rather do something else with what little money i have! Sure i may get the urge but i recognise it, I say to myself your about to get sucked in by that add, do you really need that, will you want it soon after buying it? but apparently you know me better than me because of 3 articles you read that all say the same thing.

Offline Mr. Scram

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Re: How much memory do Chrome take on your computer?
« Reply #81 on: February 20, 2020, 10:05:23 pm »
Yes so everything I do is logged. i could try and get a copy of it, and what am i supossed to do about it? like i said, you want free stuff accept the spying. Don't want to be spied on then boycott them and complain to legislators that even paid services will track you because it would seem it's legal,

I'll tell you why advertising does not work on me: i don't have any money to waste! cool you got a product to sell, great, I don't need it and would rather do something else with what little money i have! Sure i may get the urge but i recognise it, I say to myself your about to get sucked in by that add, do you really need that, will you want it soon after buying it? but apparently you know me better than me because of 3 articles you read that all say the same thing.
You couldn't showcase "the guy who thinks he really is the one exception" better if you tried. :-DD This essentially what half of the people say. "Sure, it works. But not on me!" Unfortunately you still seem to misunderstand how advertising works. It's in the links you never read. Even if you'd have zero expendable outcome the decisions you make about the things you do buy are influenced by ads.

"There is a large gap between way most people think advertising works and the way it actually works. Because people think that advertising uses rational persuasion. Joe sits at home watching TV and drinking beer with his belly hanging over his crotch. An advertisement for a new Harleys Supersuck XX vacuum cleaner appears on screen. He’s told it will pick up every last piece of dirt in his house. “Wow!” he shouts. “I have to go and buy this right now!”. He grabs his wallet and runs straight out the door. Yeah. This rarely happens."

"Ever since advertising became truly popular, consumers have generally maintained that while they can understand how advertising would have an effect on others, it cannot possibly have an effect on them. They are too savvy, and too in-control of their mental faculties to be influenced by such ham-handed messaging."

"As a dastardly creator of advertisements, I’m going to let you all in on a little secret that my friend’s fellow forum poster didn’t believe: advertising works, and if you don’t think it does, you’re my favorite demographic."

I don't pretend to know better than you, but the research underpinning the articles posted does. It's not exactly the result of a single study either. Maybe it's a bit easier to swallow your pride when you realize this applies to all of us. This stuff is very carefully designed to do so.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2020, 10:07:21 pm by Mr. Scram »

Offline David Hess

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Re: How much memory do Chrome take on your computer?
« Reply #82 on: February 21, 2020, 02:04:07 am »
"Ever since advertising became truly popular, consumers have generally maintained that while they can understand how advertising would have an effect on others, it cannot possibly have an effect on them. They are too savvy, and too in-control of their mental faculties to be influenced by such ham-handed messaging."

"As a dastardly creator of advertisements, I’m going to let you all in on a little secret that my friend’s fellow forum poster didn’t believe: advertising works, and if you don’t think it does, you’re my favorite demographic."

Who knew that an education which includes the classics might be helpful someday.  I am unashamedly copying this and presenting it here:

Socrates, conceded to be the most persuasive man who ever lived, is told by his friends that either Socrates will stay overnight with them, or his friends will compel him to do so by force.  Socrates asks reasonably if there is not an alternative - can he not persuade them to let him go home.  The reply is that he will not be able to because his friends will not listen to him.

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Re: How much memory do Chrome take on your computer?
« Reply #83 on: February 21, 2020, 07:36:14 am »
Yes so everything I do is logged. i could try and get a copy of it, and what am i supossed to do about it? like i said, you want free stuff accept the spying. Don't want to be spied on then boycott them and complain to legislators that even paid services will track you because it would seem it's legal,

I'll tell you why advertising does not work on me: i don't have any money to waste! cool you got a product to sell, great, I don't need it and would rather do something else with what little money i have! Sure i may get the urge but i recognise it, I say to myself your about to get sucked in by that add, do you really need that, will you want it soon after buying it? but apparently you know me better than me because of 3 articles you read that all say the same thing.
You couldn't showcase "the guy who thinks he really is the one exception" better if you tried. :-DD This essentially what half of the people say. "Sure, it works. But not on me!" Unfortunately you still seem to misunderstand how advertising works. It's in the links you never read. Even if you'd have zero expendable outcome the decisions you make about the things you do buy are influenced by ads.

I'm not wasting anymore time on you! I did read your links and i still don't see the great revelation.

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Re: How much memory do Chrome take on your computer?
« Reply #84 on: February 21, 2020, 09:33:50 am »
advertisement is much more subtle than that. It's not see X, buy X.

It's like with dating. You can't logic a girl into bed with you. No, you weave a vibe in which she associates positive emotions with you, and one thing naturally leads to another. Advertisers do just this ... but they also use negative emotions like envy (cars) and shame (cleaning products), they use triggers like music and scents, they use social proof in subtle ways, and they use a myriad other techniques backed by research.

The only way to be immune from the subconscious effects of advertising would be to consciously catalogue every campaign we're exposed to and apply a counter factor ... and the mind just doesn't work like that.

Ad-blocking is not only good to save you time, bandwidth, and privacy, it is an ethical imperative in order to combat the attention economy currently undermining human progress.
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Re: How much memory do Chrome take on your computer?
« Reply #85 on: February 21, 2020, 10:50:09 am »
Yes well happily I don't beleive that any product will make me a better me. That is up to me to make that happen. Most assumptions about the average person do not work for me because I don't think like most people. So having a flashy car helps me pick up a girl the advert tells me. Well girl can go buy her own car, if a girl was interested it me because of the car I drive I would drop her.

I don't think one particular brand over another will make any difference, I don't do brands. I shop in shops that do not sell brands as I mdo not care for them. I don't care what the things I use say about me.

Offline Mr. Scram

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Re: How much memory do Chrome take on your computer?
« Reply #86 on: February 21, 2020, 02:35:12 pm »
Yes well happily I don't beleive that any product will make me a better me. That is up to me to make that happen. Most assumptions about the average person do not work for me because I don't think like most people. So having a flashy car helps me pick up a girl the advert tells me. Well girl can go buy her own car, if a girl was interested it me because of the car I drive I would drop her.

I don't think one particular brand over another will make any difference, I don't do brands. I shop in shops that do not sell brands as I mdo not care for them. I don't care what the things I use say about me.
Do you shop at grocery stores? Do you buy energy or internet access? A computer or mobile phone? What motivated you to buy from those parties or those things and not others? Do you live somewhere? Even if you buy the bare necessities you buy countless products and services from countless companies and stores. Hell, even if you only bought straight from farmers that'd still be a choice driven by your perception of quality and value which is exactly what advertisements target. You are neither special nor the exception and we can all be glad that you're not as it means you're a functioning human being. The only discernable difference is that research indicates you're somewhat more susceptible to marketing, like all people who think they're not.

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Re: How much memory do Chrome take on your computer?
« Reply #87 on: February 21, 2020, 03:07:16 pm »

Do you shop at grocery stores? Do you buy energy or internet access? A computer or mobile phone? What motivated you to buy from those parties or those things and not others? Do you live somewhere? Even if you buy the bare necessities you buy countless products and services from countless companies and stores. Hell, even if you only bought straight from farmers that'd still be a choice driven by your perception of quality and value which is exactly what advertisements target. You are neither special nor the exception and we can all be glad that you're not as it means you're a functioning human being. The only discernable difference is that research indicates you're somewhat more susceptible to marketing, like all people who think they're not.

Oh dear, i pity you.

Groceries, yes I have to eat. i go where is convenient by location and price, both have nothing to do with adverts that i do not see. I don't watch TV and hardly listen to radio plagued with add's. Plus one other thing that overwhelms your poor simple brain, Buying an advertised item and being conditioned to buy it regardless of all other choices is not the same thing something clearly you can't fathom. Just because there is an advert for a product does not correlate that it was bought because of the add.

My perceptions of quality and value have nothing to do with adds. Yes i know that on average certain food shops have better quality than others. But I know this from my personal experience of the products and then i choose where i want to compromise on quality or cost. If i am in a hurry i may choose the posh supermarket because it has a shorter que and i will deem it a treat as the food is also better. The cheap shop does perfectly adequate food as well but pay's it's staff like shit, so the fact they are cheaper is not a reflection on quality of product although it is a reflection on quality of service.

Buying straight from farmers? meh, what they turn out may be nice but for one hell of a price and i can see how they are playing the game. I may as well shop at the more expensive supermarket where it's cheaper than the once a month farmer market. The adverts have nothing to do with it. every superwarket claims to have a close friendly relationship with it's farmers whilst actually screwing them then having fresh veg areas set up like market stalls to fool you - not me.

Yes i buy energy. I buy from the ONLY company available that does the ideal tariff for me. Most other people buy on price. My gas comes from shell and they give me a discount on petrol. They are the cheapest and what they offered suited my needs, nothing to do with an advert. I think shell are cunts but they are cheap.

internet services? yes i really had no choice there and use the sole monopoly on cable broadband because i have no choice. The only other choice is a broken phone line that every other man and his dog would supply me on. i hate the tax evading cunts that my ISP is and "choosing" them had nothing to do with adverts, they really are the only game it town.

Oh and before you start i buy any used car that is suitable for what i want at the time when I need a car because my old one is not worth repairing.

My brand recognition is not based on adds but on experience and evidence of performance.

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Re: How much memory do Chrome take on your computer?
« Reply #88 on: February 21, 2020, 04:11:20 pm »
Resistance is futile!
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Re: How much memory do Chrome take on your computer?
« Reply #89 on: February 21, 2020, 04:16:13 pm »
hehe, resistance to what? I hardly get adds. I don't watch TV or listen to add funded radio stations other than classic FM that feeds adds to the elderly and it's so funny to see just how targeted the adds are at the expected listener demographic. Online i use adblockers. No i can't do anything about a company I pay to do something for me from selling my data if the terms said they would. All i can do is protest to my legislators that this is not good enough.

I am using brave browser now and yea it's blocking a ton of cookies. I won't sign up to their add scheme as they refuse to clearly explain how it works without what is clearly too much effort.

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Re: How much memory do Chrome take on your computer?
« Reply #90 on: February 21, 2020, 04:22:57 pm »
You do realize half of the people out there claim this is how they decide? What actual proof do you have that you actually decide this way other than your gut feeling and strong convictions? How do you know you are that exception and all these others are not?

While it's endearing it's also completely unrealistic. Not even people with very exceptional medical conditions which place them well on the fringes of the human spectrum are state machines which produce a logical and fully weighed output without their human attributes coming into play. Hell, even this very discussion is a prime example of how emotion and the perception of self easily overrules overwhelming evidence.


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Re: How much memory do Chrome take on your computer?
« Reply #91 on: February 21, 2020, 04:29:32 pm »
To answer the original question, a lot!
Not so noticeable on my 64GB RAM loaded laptop, but on my older 8GB RAM and my 16GB Desktop, it's noticeable.
Tried Firefox, Chrome, Opera, not tried the new Chromium based Edge browser, but can't imagine it'll be any better than Chrome.
Apparently Chrome (from V79?) has introduced tab freezing, not that I can bloody find it unless it's "automatic", all of the videos and screenshots show a option that just plain doesn't exist on my rigs.
I tend to have about 10 - 15 tabs open at a time, and sometimes it just baulks and freezes for 5 minutes then springs back into life.
I've lost count the amount of Chrome.exe instances are opened, seems at least 4 are open just for 1 tab.

Page file / swap file isn't much of an issue it's just slow.

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Re: How much memory do Chrome take on your computer?
« Reply #92 on: February 21, 2020, 05:37:07 pm »
3 out of 8 gigs total usage 1 tab windows 10 at school

71 mega bytes. running one tab. Windows 10 pro.


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Re: How much memory do Chrome take on your computer?
« Reply #93 on: February 21, 2020, 06:14:12 pm »
You do realize half of the people out there claim this is how they decide? What actual proof do you have that you actually decide this way other than your gut feeling and strong convictions? How do you know you are that exception and all these others are not?

While it's endearing it's also completely unrealistic. Not even people with very exceptional medical conditions which place them well on the fringes of the human spectrum are state machines which produce a logical and fully weighed output without their human attributes coming into play. Hell, even this very discussion is a prime example of how emotion and the perception of self easily overrules overwhelming evidence.

when i only have one internet supplier available what is there to prove? it wasn't even a choice. If you want proof then come to my house to see the broken phone cable. when my goal is to buy cheap food without driving for miles I have one choice, If i am willing to pay a bit more or for better quality i have 2 places, one withing walking distance one next to the cheap place, not exactly choice.

When my car fails it's MOT and all i can afford is a cheap second hand car I don't exactly have a choice and last time I checked every back street garage with a couple of second hand cars on it's forecourt is not running national adds neither are they pushing any brand. Do you actually have the capacity to think? or do you just absorb what a couple of long winded articles tell you and decide that they are right and that you are controlled.

Sure i make choices but adverts have zero weight. Yes i am on the autistic spectrum. Most adverts are targeted at neuro typical peoples desperation to be accepted in society. The advert shows them happy people having the lifestyle they crave and being treated the way they want to be treated whilst being involved in the brand. You will find that as much as a company pushes it's traditional values it will also push it's cutting edge vision so that it appeals to both of the main camps. i don't care that my cookies (biscuits) were made by poor humble farmers or by cutting edge technology. I will try them, if they are nice I'll buy wore. If they are not nice I'll not buy more.

Wine, there is not much wine that I like. The price is irrelevant and the chemicals they put in whilst telling you how traditional and honestly made it is by humble farmers mean that to me it's just a headache whilst i can drink the local plonk from where i used to live in italy without getting a migraine and it tastes good even though every year it's different as the whole wine making companies takes everyones grapes whatever they are and produces 3 varieties, red and white and then rose by mixing them. No brand labes and for me it's better than a £20 bottle.

But yes I am sure you scram are personally doomed because you seem to not have the capacity to think for yourself.

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Re: How much memory do Chrome take on your computer?
« Reply #94 on: February 21, 2020, 06:17:54 pm »
I am using brave browser now and yea it's blocking a ton of cookies. I won't sign up to their add scheme as they refuse to clearly explain how it works without what is clearly too much effort.


Please, tell everybody else how good it is! Please!
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Re: How much memory do Chrome take on your computer?
« Reply #95 on: February 21, 2020, 09:46:04 pm »

Brave does not offer a full installer package on their website afaik, why is that?  ???
and three legit third party portable versions I tried, the startup window won't even stay open to try it out. 

That's worse than Opera, a once cool browser which has been useless the last few years. I can't believe how bad it is now  ::)

I am assuming these no go browsers are geared towards Windows 10 or update filled Win7, 8, 8.1 ?  :-//

At least IE and Edge start up and sort of work with some websites  :horse:
so I can download a real browser  :D


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Re: How much memory do Chrome take on your computer?
« Reply #96 on: February 21, 2020, 11:01:36 pm »
Pretty much every browser will require you to download a small program which in turn will go fetch the full install. I guess this way they can ensure you start off with the latest version. IE and Edge come bundled with Windows and don't need to do this.

One thing I didn't like about Brave right off was that it asked zero questions, just bang zoom, installation complete. Then I noticed that it hijacked pdf files and set itself up as the default opener. I'm guessing that was because there wasn't a default already, but still bad form to do so without asking. I uninstalled it right away and will try a portable version next.

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