I got my original pcb board back and my original rom. They did put my original rom on another pcb donor board and the drive does not boot up at all. I do not even think it is allowing power to turn on the drive.
I put my best donor board with a random rom back on the hard drive and get this.
https://ufile.io/45vfe3t3The drive stays on and sounds great. However, I’m afraid to initialize because I know it will erase my data however, even if I do, I will get an i/o error and it wont do it.
They emailed me back and said they do not have my ROM Dump on file. I guess they do not want to work with me on that.
Please on please let me know what device exactly I can buy to get this ROM dump!!! I will post asap when I download it.
wow. I did not even know PC3000 or MRT Lab could not even fix the problem. What about going around the problem? Can either of these programs help rip the data off the drive RAW?
“Encouraging Sum” I completely and totally understand and respect this. What are we talking here?
I would love to have a healthy ROM Chip on a beautiful new PCB Donor Board.
“Some drives have a feature called Power Up In Standby (PUIS). If this is enabled, then the drive won't spin up until a certain command is issued. PUIS can be disabled with free tools such as HDAT2.”
How do I get this tool and software? Please help me troubleshoot this. I can buy tools and have them shipped to me.
“One other feature that may prevent your drive from spinning up inside a PC is SATA power pin #3. This has now been redefined as the Power Disable pin. However this does not appear to be present in your model.”
Do I need some software or hardware to disable this?