If you have problems installing openSUSE 15.5 in workstation player, try changing the USB to 2.0.
Longer version:
So in another thread Wuerstchenhund suggested that I try openSUSE LEAP. Host OS is Ubuntu 14.04 using vmware workstation player 12.5.9 and the guest OS is openSUSE 15.1 Leap. It stalls when it gets to the initializing part with the next button. I couldn't find much help after doing a few searches and was about to give up after trying different vm settings, but then I tried changing the UBS from 1.1 to 2.0 and it installed just fine.
That's not surprising, the virtual USB 1.1 controller in VMware Player (as well as vSphere) has often shown to cause side effects. I believe the general recommendation from VMware is to use USB 2.0 unless there's a real need for limiting the VM to USB 1.1.
So does anyone know how to change specific things in KDE plasma like changing the up and down arrows for maximize and minimize to a box and a line like the old XP or win7 theme?
Or how to have a border around the apps in the task bar? Cause I like everything to be in a box, can't stand the let everything blend together look.
There are a large number of Themes for KDE, some of which are included. In the KDE 'Startup menu', go to 'Configure Desktop' and then 'Workspace Themes':

You can also change various settings there.
Once you're setup, I recommend to have a look at YAST, one of the unique features in SUSE.