Author Topic: AOMEI Backupper – How safe/private this application is?  (Read 807 times)

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AOMEI Backupper – How safe/private this application is?
« on: May 30, 2023, 02:01:32 am »
I'm sorry, I was trying to create a thread, not a poll, please disregard it.

I’m working mostly in UNIX/Linux environments, however I have few clients where Windows is mandatory. 
Starting with Vista MS introduced disk imaging, but this feature is deprecated in Windows 10. At one point MS did recommend
use “AOMEI Backupper”, free of charge solution.

“AOMEI Backupper” is working exactly as described and in the last few years saved me a lot of hours when the hard drive crashed (I use disk imaging option).
But… this software is from China, and if I don’t modify the init/config files it’s frequently calling home… even when I modify it,
it’s still trying to contact the vendor. I use NAV 360 and I disabled this app to access the Internet… well, this app is not the only one,
it spreads also in few different locations including exec file.

In summary, I’m wondering if anybody else has done extended resource about safety of using “AOMEI Backupper”?
Is it safe?
« Last Edit: May 30, 2023, 02:14:04 am by JeremyC »

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