Products > Computers

Is it now worth trying Windows 11?

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Simply go ahead an try it. And if the advantages outweigh the disadvantages keep using it. Otherwise move on to someting else.
There is no such thing as the "Best". Everything has its pro and cons.  :horse:

The first thing to do on a windows 11 machine is to disable automatic updates! it's really annoying when we need to use the computer and you get stuck in the frequent  " installing updates" message... wait and wait  :palm:

The other dangerous thing with automatic updates is when your computer uefi bios is updated without your consent. I receive many laptops for repair due to non success bios updates.

I use all windows OS and 10 is enough for all tasks and old laser printers for example. with 11 old laser printers won't work without some degree of modification of the OS.

Windows 11 is like Android or ios system, they control your machine and change whatever they want, whenever they want without your consent because they own the OS

And BTW windows 11 is full of telemetry, spyware, after removing all this useless trash the OS is nice, but the concept of cloud dependency is a no no.

Microsoft Linux 11 isn't worth spending time on, just install Debian, it works better...  :)


--- Quote from: ptluis on September 30, 2024, 12:31:10 am ---And BTW windows 11 is full of telemetry, spyware, after removing all this useless trash the OS is nice, but the concept of cloud dependency is a no no.

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All the garbage that was piled onto every corner of windows 11 on my new laptop almost made a grown old man cry. They even added "personalization/crap" to the search bar which in my case showed up as a zucinni with related search suggestions.  TVs manufacturers are getting in on the trend.

"Ad fatigue — LG TVs start showing ads on screensavers"


--- Quote from: Ranayna on June 12, 2023, 02:29:54 pm ---I need to evaluate the stability of these third party tools like Startallisback to be able to use it at work. I have heard several reports of instability and crashing explorer.exe.

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I've been using startallisback on my work machine for a while without any noticeable problems.


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