I'm looking to setup a retirement work environment which includes an EE lab, software engineering lab, home office, and personal.
One of my software engineering explorations is setting up a distributed computer system that runs and hosts, well my life, basically.
A major problem, even graduate it to a social problem, is data whore who cares I'm not hiding anything data whore mentality. They lulled the proles into believing since they weren't hiding anything, there was no reason not to let them invade privacy to astonishing levels.
So, being averse to this kind of whoring of my alter-ego, I decided to distribute everything internally, at home. No more skyping eachother at home at our desks, we have hosted IM now. This kind of thing.
This is a lot of preface, sorry. Anyway, with this type of "hosted internally distribution" in mind, all of the utility of my desktop computer is gone. I just need a clipboard to bounce around the different applications I use. So a browser will do a lot of the lifting, but then I need a way to remote into virtualized environments. There is nothing I can think of my desktop needing to do other than browse and remote desktop, then have settings to maintain itself.
So here is the question, coupled with a thought experiment:
Has anyone every heard of an OS like I'm describing and if not, what is the closest approximation you can think of?
In terms of a thought experiment, help me take this topic of internal distribution of applications to its logical end, which helps flush out architectural considerations for me early and may perhaps trigger others to consider similar ideas. Next post will have a basic outline of network infrastructure to push that along.