You just described some pure junk (illegal in EU)
Agreed. I do consider that a junk solution as well.
I will put some more considerations which i think will
make we agree more than disagree... hopefully
"Illegal" I will not even try to enter the merit as long
as the issue is "de facto" caused by legislation.
I will put just solutions - good ones - sustainable
cheaper and good enough in any normal condition.
.. not even qualifying to 80+ basic, not to say bronze, silver, gold... efficiency rating. FYI with our electricity prices buying cheap psu in long term will cost more in electricity than buying more expensive model. Oh, and your "almost 80%" wastes more than 2 times more power than 80+ gold PSU.
No. You may (should) refer to sites dedicated in doing
"ratings (silver/bronze..) comparisons..". To our discussion
all things will have the bottom line below:
- Those ratings apply to fully loaded (or 70% loaded) PSUs.
- ok above 80% of load some present "higher" "efficient" ratings
- 84%... 85% .. some 88%... at 80% of load.. (on 1000W PSU..)
- that is a lot... now.. BELOW 50% load... a DAMN CRAPY PROBLEM ..
those designs present "efficient" well below 70% 60% .. typically
(will not put this here - google the folks which do tests far better than me..)
(those 1000W gold silver gizmos are crappy garbage under light loads)
Well unless (EVERYBODY) start using 1000W PSUs at 80% or 90% load...
we have a real scary scalable problem of having less than 60% efficient
PSUs under "idle"..
No controversy - tests are well made.. both apply
- high ratings under high loads
- crappy ratings under light loads.
Now considering an average HALF-BRIDGE design with PROS:
- easily fixable - sustainable design
- RATINGS ARE just marginally lower like 78% or 80% efficient
- RESULTS ARE SCALABLE - you can say pretty confident 78% efficient
- APART (obviously) the legislation.. - the lobby and required investments in
better power grids.. - out of discussion here
By using 2x 500W ATX units (agreed it is a junk solution) PROs:
- you have 1000W not even warm solution - cheap reliable repairable
- EFFICIENT - as long as 78% is good enough
- 99% supervisors monitors the 5V ALW line.. good
- it is easy to put a dummy load of 1A on that line using just 12V to GPU
- 12 load regulation? no! GPUs uses the 12V inputs for 1 Volt Vcore-VRM
- any side effect ? NONE - GPUs works damn fine using a dedicated 12V rail
ANY CONs? yes a secondary ATX sized board or case...
- is it GOOD ? No. obviously not - just a compromise..
- CHEAP? Yes - a 1000W/1600W PSU is costing U$500 or U$800 or even U$1000
3x 500W ATX HALF-BRIDGE designs are under 80 box only
- RELIABLE? - YES - as long as you use a line conditioner for them
- EXPENSIVE? NO - they work just fine with a NORMAL non-sinus models
- while 1000W PSU would require a VERY EXPENSIVE TRUE SINE 3KVA inverter..
- I would rather wasting 80 box in that junk than $500 in the other.. (plus inverter)
Hope we agree more than disagree at this point
considering that expending at least 5x to 8x times
just to power a GPU is not clever.
New ATX12VO is not here by choice..
the ATX thing reached a level of non sense based on those
paid "ratings" and certificates...
Last comment - I checked this solution myself
being far more adequate than expected.
Question is how you manage the second case.
The only problem so far.