Products > Computers

Looking to buy a new monitor, some opinions would be appreciated

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Like i sad it's just a subjective impression that the system is more responsive with 4 cores (+ 4 virtual bollocks) than 8+8, i had the same at work on an old i7 with 4+4 cores, switching off some of the cores made the system more responsive and the CAD software worked better because it is strictly single thread and crap and it's no coincidence that the reseller of the software recomends dual core systems or did when you could buy dual core.


--- Quote from: Simon on August 02, 2019, 02:06:40 pm ---
--- Quote from: ogden on August 02, 2019, 12:36:48 pm ---
--- Quote from: Simon on August 02, 2019, 12:20:56 pm ---I guess that at 4K i will get better response at 30Hz than 60Hz and as i can't see the difference particularly if 4K 60Hz is too much load so lags anyway i may as well stick to 30Hz.

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Bottleneck could be video adapter. Culd you tell models of: CPU, video card, monitor? I ask about monitor because looking for my next IPS monitor as well, your hands-on experience feedback may be helpful because LG 27" 4K IPS is in the list.

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it's a ryzen 7 with 3.2GHz RAM and an Nvidia P400 Card that will do 3x 4K monitors. It's aimed at CAD stations so probably not great for silly video work but I do'n do any of that.

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Your P400 is a problem, it lacks memory and speed to manage even one 4K monitor in a working environment. The 3 x 4K on the spec sheet is an optimistic video playback spec where far less work is done by the GPU/frame.

Even the RX580 I have in my new Ryzen box will be limited in frame rate at 4K which is why I am more inclined to go QHD instead. My reason to consider 4K is to maybe put a decent card instead of the 580 in it since the release of the 5700 and 5700XT have made it closer to affordable.

Well i just wanted something cheap at the time.

Pseudo 16K camera down-sampled to Youtube 8K here (Quality comparison between camera and film resolutions):


--- Quote from: BrianHG on August 03, 2019, 11:43:05 pm ---Pseudo 16K camera down-sampled to Youtube 8K here (Quality comparison between camera and film resolutions):

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Holy shit, looking at the video's example digital zoom in at the 1080p, if I were to download the example 16k footage and tile display that with multiple 1080p projectors at 100 inch each, not only would the picture something like as tall as a 3 story apartment building, but, standing only 2 meters away from the display, it would be as sharp and clear as a single 100 inch 1080p still camera image.

If I were to create a 16k projector and display that image at only 100 inches, even looking at it with a 10x magnifying glass, that image would be as sharp and clean as life itself.


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