Author Topic: magnetic USB cables; any standards on them?  (Read 1205 times)

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magnetic USB cables; any standards on them?
« on: October 11, 2019, 10:27:58 pm »
if you look at the usual shopping sites and search for magnetic usb cable, you'll find lots out there, some are concentric (charge-only) and some are pins, some are a kind of plug/socket thing.

are there any standards on these, yet?  the concentric ones, hopefully, are center=positive, ring=gnd (I have not checked).  the multi-pin ones, are they standardized yet?

the shopping sites give little clue.

it does not make sense to buy into this (imho) until its standard.  I don't want to mix brands and then have problems when cable-A tries to connect to mag-dongle-B that's inserted into the usb-c port of my phone.

anyone have any info on this subject?

they idea is really good; I'm just wondering if/when they will be standard.

Offline all_repair

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Re: magnetic USB cables; any standards on them?
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2019, 12:34:05 am »
My experience with the row-pin type is no good.  They oxidized fast, and contact become poor fast.

Offline BravoV

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Re: magnetic USB cables; any standards on them?
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2019, 12:37:50 am »
My experience with the row-pin type is no good.  They oxidized fast, and contact become poor fast.

+1 , same here.

I noticed as we oftenly slapped both sides quite hard as the magnet is quite strong, in long run its sort of chipped off the nickel/chrome plating, and the exposed metal (iron/steel ?) is starting to rust.

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