I think the OP is suffering from a problem similar to the one I had a few years back, when I bought a (brand new) "e machines" desktop.
The thing was supplied with a crippled version of Windows 7 plus a whole lot of software I didn't want, including (blecchh!) Norton.
To add insult to injury, it would reqularly crash.
The only way I could see to get it back up was to go back to "year zero", losing all the software I had added, plus some of the data, & restoring crap I had removed.
Ok, I looked on line to find an easier & less drastic way of recovering the thing.
None of them worked, because they assumed, as I had, that I had admin privileges.
Alas, I did not-----it appears "e-machines" didn't trust their customers!
The only real fix was to buy a proper version of W7 & install it.
Immediately, all the stuff that was normally supposed to be part of W7 appeared----and I didn't lose my data!
The regular crashes disappeared, & if the odd one happened, It was easy to recover, just by using the normal "recovery date" facility.
Thankfully, "e machines" didn't think to lock the bios---------I wonder why, seeing they seem to hate their customers?