Because it is no longer *NIX .. it is something complete departure from *NIX
several forums call them POTTERIX and i think it is the best definition...
That's not necessarily a bad thing?
YES and NO.
For my 6y old nephew is a bless.. He can power up his doom game
MINT machine and do
everything himself Amazingly fast he
memorized the icons to
upgrade linux and play his games..
I am very happy seeing him fussing around...
Obviously when anything just F*** he press the
NO for anything other than a KIOSK or
the press button machine for a 6y old kid...
Why?... Well ... I
will try to be short ... ..
- Since the real *NIX kernel from version 2.6x moved the device management
from /proc to /sys (to allow all the crazy USB gizmos attach) things got
Managing devices like network links complex interfaces and disks with
also a complex file system hierarchy and other critical pieces of a real
infra struct. is not trivial. In particular using
security mechanisms and proper system daemons..
UNIX traditionally always had a 100% proof init logic to handle this...
Decades of professional managed tools for sys admin
The advent os SYSFS (managed by udev) caused 2 things:
- for my 6y old nephew a bless he can just see things popping..and working (like pen wifi..)
- for any other sys admin a total nightmare ...
Setting up a complex network with several attached interfaces and
mounting a dozen file systems became really complex with udev..
the rules are insanely arcane and things can go really adhoc bad..
Necessary to understand that UDEV has been INTEGRATED into systemd
among other several dozens critical tools.. (like DNS resolver, disk tools..etc)
UNLIKE traditional safe and methodic configurable (by sys admin) systemd
became a panacea of a messy bloated stuff pile together.. exposed via SYSFS
however even though I am very happy to see my 6y nephew happy with his doom
machine.. (which I will just overwrite when he calls UNCLE PAAAAULLL )
I will never ever run such a messy systemd thing on my servers...
Like Android,, ChromeBooks..
it has a niche.. the kiddo loves it..
But... Not on my bench.. or any serious machine...