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Probably I am late to the party but I just discover this new standard today.
According to Wiki:
--- Quote ---Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) is a Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) radio technology standard developed by 3GPP to enable a wide range of cellular devices and services.
--- End quote ---
Some Measurement Equipment OEMs like Keysight or Rode are adjusting their SW equipments to be able to analyze the NB-IoT standard.
Here other white papers from other companies: Huawei or Vodafone. It seems like they want to make money as soon as possible from this new "standard".
To me seems like a LoRa or RMF69, but ready for mass industrialization.
I personally want to setup some RMF69 Device at home, LowPowerLab have some nice implementation for it.
I don't need an NB-IoT right now, I am wondering how much it will cost for cellphone users in the future. :-//
Necroing this post to comment on costs: NB-IoT or LTE-M1 subscriptions are currently costing 99 NOK (~10 USD) per year, with 5MB/month data included here in Norway. Very reasonable pricing for most practical products.
Me also noticed this, but I was wondering has it already being used in many devices or services?
We make NB-IoT products. At the moment they're ornaments. There is limited support down the west coast of the UK for them by Vodafone. Down the East of the country O2 are rolling out Cat-1 LTE; also useless in a product. A few countries have had NB-IOT for a lot longer but you won't get good coverage everywhere and they also need different SIM cards to regular cellular services. I.E. you might have a Vodafone mobile phone SIM but this won't work with your NB-IOT modem even if you're by the Vodafone NB-IOT tower. You need to ask Vodafone for a NB-IOT SIM.
It will be a few years before these become a viable product so for now we're just selling 2G stuff still. 3G is gone already!
Wile E IoT:
--- Quote from: itdontgo on May 16, 2020, 04:02:23 pm ---It will be a few years before these become a viable product so for now we're just selling 2G stuff still. 3G is gone already!
--- End quote ---
I guess that answers the question I posted without reading the forum first! Thanks for the info.
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