I can tell you this much:
This board does not support USB booting, USB flashing, or anything USB unless you were to boot into an operating system with USB support (chicken and the egg here)
BIOSes on Intel boards are not known to have issues with BIOS setting issues, and nor do most PC compatible motherboards with removable RTC batteries. You can attempt to find the "Clear CMOS" jumper on the board, and follow instructions to clear the volatile RAM that does store the BIOS settings (this is not the same as the flash that stores the BIOS).
If you want your board back, and if it is a corrupted BIOS (I have no clue if it is or not, it's possible as that flash is old, and it's not unheard of for it to have minor issues like that), you'll need to use a floppy diskette, there is no way around this outside desoldering the very small, very fragile surface mount flash chip (it should even say flash on it), and then rigging up a compatible EEPROM flasher to write the BIOS image to it that way. This is on an order of magnitude more complicated than simply buying a PCI floppy controller and using the floppy drive in the scope to write a diskette you can then use to flash the BIOS.
I myself have an Intel SE440BX-II and VS440FX which are fairly similar boards (all the xx440xx boards are very similar to each other). These are not expensive boards, and you can very likely find a working replacement for the entire board on ebay (or such) for at most 40-50 bucks. (P.S. I looked into that a bit, and it seems like your scope might use a custom board with a big ass edge connector on the side, if this is the case, then it might not be as simple to find a replacement)