... Use 32bit XP, it's more likely to work for this .....
What would you recommend if the program freezes under winXP32 (when trying to connect to the device)? At the same time, it works perfectly under Windows 98 (screenshots). Access to ports is open under wxp, the computer is the same (choice when loading). Photo of the device below.
Have you also tried both the following
- Run the app in administrator mode, I think that's a tickbox in the properties of the exe in XP, you might have to google ive forgotten.
- Run the app in Win98 compatibility mode, again in properties of the exe somewhere.
If that doesn't work, I would then wonder if maybe access to hardware ports isn't actually open. I know you say you've enabled that but have you confirmed it's actually working?
Which way did you open hardware port access up?, there were a few ways people did it. some more hacky than others.
It always used to be a bit flaky to get working, and who knows if it even still works on the latest version of XP with all security updates and service packs applied
Maybe write a simple C or QBasic app to send 0 and 255 to 0x378 and check if the LPT data pins all change state with a DMM.
ChatGPT should be able to help with that if you're not a coder.
Qbasic is probably easier since you dont have to compile anything, just run qbasic.exe, enter code and select run/start.
I think for Qbasic the only command you need to write out a hardware address for LPT1 data port would be
OUT &H378, 255
If you can't get that to toggle LPT pins you cant expect the app to work.