Ok, got a bizzare issue I'm trying to understand. tried to start pc black screen, stuck on boot light, num lock doesn't react, no bios access. Nothing. Tried to fix for a while. Pulled out all drives
I took my pc over to my brothers that has a similar build. We both have 3900x, different motherboards mine is steel legends asrock ,his is strix e-gaming. They both use x570
We tested and tested swapped ram first didn't fix it. Then we swapped cpus. He put his 3900x in my machine and my machine booted up once more. I thought it was a mobo issue at first but it started working. Assumed bad cpu. Then just for the hell of it, I put my "bad" 3900x in his motherboard, and it booted up as well.
So doing a cpu swap, they both work. I was like weird. So I put my "bad" cpu back in my machine and the error happened again, black screen, no boot, no bios. I did reseat everything a couple times prior.
So as it sits now. I can not use my 3900x in my motherboard at all. locks up. I'm using my brothers. But my cpu that stopped working, works in his.
We've stress tested both machines, was wondering if a core went bad. But they both passed. He's using all 4 ram slots so was wondering if a ram connection died in the cpu chipmunks itself, but that isnt it.
So I want to know, what the hell? What happened? My only working theory is that my bad cpu had something fry within the die, and my brothers motherboard doesn't use that circuit. But it makes no sense at all. I used that cpu in my motherboard since these chips dropped.
I'm kinda tempted to just rebuild my pc, move up to ddr5. Just because of this weird issue I dont want to strike again. r if my mobo did something, dont want to damage my brothers cpu. I'm using his chip right now, hes using mine.
bonus points, a fans bearing went bad and windows updated within the same period this issue arised with my machine