I am still a VCS novice, i was never taught about VCS and used to copy everything manually every time (well, i still do that for most things)
it helps that i am the sole developer (and the graphic is the sole graphic, and so on) but it's no way to mantain things in the long run.
At some point i decided to get inversted in learning VCS and as you can imagine most, if not all, the supposed information you can get from googling is the usual BS:
-comparing SVN with Git, git is better
-and of course don't use mercurial because it's dead
-actually svn is dead too
-git this, git that, you must use git
-actually git is github, no now it's gitlab because github is evil because microsoft is evil
as you can imagine, a lot of highly ranked low quality search result, blog posts copying each other.
I could find nothing about better practices, how to set up a workflow, the things you may really want to know.
Anyway, in the meantime i decided to use SVN as i had to decide between what the IDEs i use supported and the choice initially went to SVN with Tortoise svn and a bunch of local repositories (sole developer, everything on my pc which is of course backed up) . SVN as i saw the problem in git not handling binary files well and besides source code everything else starting from PCBs is binary (though i'm changing to other formats as well, but old projects..)
However lately i decided to switch to git. The reason is not because i think git is better in any way, but it is in the github experience.
I always saw a parallel between git -> github and svn -> sourceforge. To me github is way better, has a better UI and UX, i like the "Issue" and the wiki parts.
This is relevant because i wanted to convince other people at work to use VCS, if anything for the project that are not done by one person (for example, very old software i'm mantaining, another person has the software for making the installer and all the final steps on their PC and every time is did you update X on my? is Y ok?) i hate manual copies, it's so easy to keep the wrong copy around. and i hate incrementing a version number for every comma, as we use major.minor in version numbers you can see how it's inconvenient.
So i was looking at self hosted git and i stumbled upon Gitea, you get an UI/UX very simillar to github but you can self host. And i can see the possibilities, do a repo for every project, let it be software, hardware*, photo*, video* (*yes, i know, binary files), documentation/procedures, then for everything you have the issue to report problems without telling anybody by voice or email or stupid postit, you can edit your problem and add images and meaningful description and keep trace of everything, all in a local server accessed by everybody in the company. Same for the wiki part, documentation on the project online, yes please. The project planning features are basic but still useful, at least to put a date on the calendar. When something is done or changed you get the notification.
The fact that it uses git forces me to adopt git, i wonder if a simillar system is available with SVN