This is some kind of bizarre ideological crusade, there is no valid technical reason to have such a strong view on computer architecture. No ordinary person cares how a computer works under the hood and even most technical people only care in so far as they need to know in order to successfully develop software.
usually, those who talk to me obsessively about software compatibility, today that there are good open source apps, are the ones who have GB of cracked software on their hard drives
+= legal reasons
All that really matters is Cost, performance, reliability, and compatibility with the software you want to run and support of any peripherals you want to use, these latter two points being the most important. There's a reason x86 absolutely dominates every area of computing except for mobile where low power consumption is paramount and closed ecosystems eliminate the need to worry about compatibility.
Sure, so let's still design CPUs that ensure CP/M compatibility, it will take us to Mars
Does it sound stupid? ridiculous? Well, Professor
Andrew Tanenbaum pointed out more than 20 years ago, that's precisely what Intel has been doing for decades since the compatibility you're talking about is with 8085.
8085 << 8086
if people like you were in the minority and started wanting to understand something about computers, it would be clear that IBM POWER10 has already proven to be superior in terms of design, scalability (even vs XEON-x86), and power consumption, as well as the ARM Apple M1 and M2 have already proven to be much more efficient than x86.
do you want to be pragmatic to get the masses to get rid of x86?
give them
- A solid OpenSource OS: { GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, GNU/Haiku, ... } are good candidates here
- lot of peripherals, { GPU, RAID, Gigacards, ...}, so here it is why I am "re-purposing" x86-boards on non-x86 machines
- Solid OpenSource and OpenHardware support, so the same source can be recompiled on different platforms with less trouble
- Outstanding battery management on mobile devices
- Outstanding multicore facilities management and on both hw and sw sides
What's one of the things that matters to you the most when you're around on a battery-powered mobile device? Bingo, when on x86 laptops you have less than 8 hours, with the same battery you can operate for 20 hours on an Apple M1 laptop.
What's one of the things that matters to you the most when you need massively parallel computing?Bingo, strong and reliable memory models to run your stuff on as many cores as possible, and when an intel XEON has already demonstrated to be a bandwagon full of limitations, POWER9 and ARM64-Ampera can run up to 128 cores with a quarter of the problems you have with XEON
I hope people like you disappear with the end of x86, and there's a lot of hope even with RISC-V for the new generation who grew up on bread and raspberryPI instead of that x86 crap I grew up on.