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Programm to show a filtered list of a csv file.

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i need the ability, to filter data in a csv file in realtime. I wont work with libre office, as the filter is removed after each update on the data link.

Anyone knows a program that could do some realtime filtering?

Reading the title I immediately thought 'any spreadsheet can do that' but apparently that is not going to work for you.
Care to explain a bit more, like for instance what do you do with the filtered results and what is the update rate?

Grep, awk, perl, python, ruby, ... ?

Basically almost any language can do that - octave, python, js, c, pascal, basic, etc...  :)

You can even connect it to ZX Spectrum and do it in Z80 asm  :D

Write a macro for LibreOffice Calc, that removes the filter, deletes the previous filtered data, imports the CSV file, sets up any named ranges required to match the number of lines of new data from the CSV, and reapplies the filter.   Its *NOT* rocket science - any competent programmer, even one unfamiliar with LibreOffice, could  adapt to their dialect of BASIC and knock out the code in under a day. Any MS VBA / Visual Basic programmer will find it even more familiar.  Most of the stuff you need to know can be found by using the macro recorder to record the actions to perform the task manually, then looking at the code it generates to parameterise it so it takes the number of lines of old data from the current spreadsheet contents, and the number of lines of new data from the contents post CSV import.


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