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Reddit broken by wokeness? Really!

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--- Quote from: I wanted a rude username on March 25, 2023, 08:21:57 pm ---
--- Quote from: Bud on March 25, 2023, 04:57:34 am ---How do you even use Reddit? Such a wonky bizarre interface, only LinkedIn is worse than that.

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--- Quote from: brucehoult on March 25, 2023, 07:23:49 am ---Are we even looking at the same site?

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Maybe Bud is using the new site. Which, yes, is useless. Obviously optimised for revenue.

The objectively best Reddit experience is to visit the old Reddit site, in a desktop browser with Reddit Enhancement Suite.

And since Reddit tries to push everyone to their new site, the Old Reddit Redirect add-on can be used to force use of the old one.

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yes, using the old site is required if you want to stay sane


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