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Running Linux alongside Win 10

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I have an always-on Win 10 Pro box.  It is connected to the net over Wi-Fi.

I'd like to run Linux alongside Windows.  As in: both running all the time, i.e. not dual-boot.

Furthermore, I would like the Linux install to be visible on the network as a separate entity, i.e. have its own DHCP lease and generally show up as if it were a separate box.

I played with Hyper-V and VirtualBox.  The only way I was able to have Linux networking going was by setting up a Wi-Fi-to-virtual-Ethernet bridge.  However, this ultimately piggybacks on the host's WLAN connection (has the same IP etc) and so doesn't achieve the goal as having Linux show up as if it were a separate box.

I also tried having a second Wi-Fi adapter (a USB dongle), thinking I can give each OS its own Wi-Fi.  However, this confused the hell out of Windows and I didn't get anywhere trying to get the second Wi-Fi adapter working under VirtualBox.

Any advice?

Bridged networking should not show externally as the same IP address:
but there have been issues previously:

If you set up bridging for the VM interface you should get a separate IP address by DHCP. You don't need a second WiFi adapter. That said, for me it's worked on wired Ethernet, and on a Linux host with both Linux and Windows in VMs. So I don't know if there are issues binding multiple IP address to your WiFi device. You don't say what version VB, but make sure it's the most recent as bugs keep getting fixed.

You cannot bridge on wifi clients like that. Not with normal APs and with Windows, anyway.

If you can't get USB passthrough to work properly you may need to try PCI passthrough either of the USB host device, which is often highly problematic, or of a PCI wifi card - perhaps the internal one and use the USB one for Windows. I'm not sure if VB supports PCI passthrough these days.

Thanks everyone.

Yes, I tried the most recent VirtualBox (as of this morning).

As several of you have suggested, I suspect the issue is specifically around Wi-Fi.  In other words, if it were a wired LAN connection, things would have been easier.  I mean, having a wired LAN is not out of the question, but would complicated the hardware setup in my case.

I've used USB passthrough with VB many times in the past, but never with a network adapter.  Using a PCI card is an interesting suggestion, though the NUC in question only has an M.2 slot (taken by an SSD).


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