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Scanner not reading some barcodes

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I have a Aquila s500 Bematech scanner that will not read a 23 charicter long barcode.  I have attached a picture to this post of the barcode in question.  Got any ideas as to why it won't scan?

It looks like a Code 39 label, but the wide bars appear too wide vs. the narrow--especially the white bars. In Code 39 the minimum narrow bar width is 7.5 mils (.0075"), and if the bars are narrower than 20 mils the wide bars should be no wider than 2.0 to 3.2 x the narrow bar width. if narrow is > 20 mils the wide bars should be in the range of 2.0 to 3.0 x wider than the little guys.

More about Code 39 here...

The LOGMARS code used by the U.S. Department of Defense is Code 39 with better defined specifications for symbol height and bar width, and the HRI (Human Readable Interpretation) height.

Had to deal with them all the tine when i was in Logistics many years back...

Sorry about the low res photo, I used the webcam on all in one that I had to open up to change the focal length to get a clear photo.  It is possible that it is distorted due to that.  Is it possible that it is a custom bar-code?  It is on a Chinese android car infotainment system as a serial number if that helps with identification.


--- Quote from: poot36 on November 29, 2019, 02:41:15 am ---Sorry about the low res photo, I used the webcam on all in one that I had to open up to change the focal length to get a clear photo.  It is possible that it is distorted due to that.  Is it possible that it is a custom bar-code?  It is on a Chinese android car infotainment system as a serial number if that helps with identification.

--- End quote ---

If by "custom", you mean printed from software driving a graphic label printer rather than a 'real" bar code label printer with bar code fonts in EPROM; you may be correct. When we first had to use LOGMARS in the mid/late 60s I wrote LOGMARS drivers using assembly and Turbo Pascal on a Radio Shack Model III running LDOS--a CPM-like aftermarket o/s for the TRS-80 Z-80 based machines. We printed them on an Epson MX-80 dot-matrix printer...

I have checked that Code 39 is enabled as well as the extended ASCII set for it as well and it still wont scan.  Got any ideas what other type of barcode it could be?


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