Author Topic: Ubuntu 20.04 is out  (Read 5981 times)

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Offline OwO

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Re: Ubuntu 20.04 is out
« Reply #25 on: April 21, 2020, 10:05:09 am »
Debian is similar enough that most solutions for Ubuntu are applicable. I personally find debian far more stable. In Ubuntu it's very easy to fuck up the boot process just installing/updating packages, lots of packages are broken, and it doesn't help that it's based on debian unstable. The only thing Ubuntu does better is i18n. I still haven't figured out why moon runes are rendered in a strange way on my system (it seems to mix two fonts, using one font for characters present in Japanese and a different font for simplified characters, so a sentence will have a mix of two fonts).

Offline olkipukki

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Re: Ubuntu 20.04 is out
« Reply #26 on: April 21, 2020, 11:17:26 am »

The CNC software, CNC proprietary CAD and Altium all went to my scope, and now my portable system is Windows-free.

Is it yours target? Or more like be 'free' in open-source space?

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Re: Ubuntu 20.04 is out
« Reply #27 on: April 21, 2020, 11:19:07 am »
Debian is similar enough that most solutions for Ubuntu are applicable.

At least commercial-backed stuff mostly done for Ubuntu (aka free Windows  ::)), sometimes - CentOs, anything else - unknow animals*  in Linux zoo :-DD

* - exclude commercial Linux'es

Offline Nominal Animal

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Re: Ubuntu 20.04 is out
« Reply #28 on: April 21, 2020, 07:00:52 pm »
LTE (experimental drivers available from GitHub, should merge in 5.8 or 5.10 kernel)
Isn't it just an USB modem?  I mean, can you see it in your lsusb listing?  If it is, it is just like my Huawei ME909s-120: a proper modem, controlled by ModemManager (which is admittedly aggravating piece of shit otherwise, especially if you write USB Serial firmwares for microcontrollers, as you need to install udev rules to stop MM from probing and fucking up serial comms).

Using a trivial USB-miniPCIe adapter with SIM slot, ME909s-120 was almost plug-and-play in 18.04: I only needed to supply my connection details.
(If only I had one with an efficient 5V-3.3V DC-DC converter, instead of a heat-generator-LDO...)

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Re: Ubuntu 20.04 is out
« Reply #29 on: April 22, 2020, 03:10:24 am »
Oh yeah, that one.  Intel couldn't be arsed to provide a Linux PCIe driver for that one.

Unfortunately, if you're betting on the code by James Wah (abrasive), that won't get upstreamed anytime soon: it is based on the wrong paradigm ("just duplicate the effects of the Windows driver with minimum effort, hopefully someone else can clean it up later").  In particular, all the "RPC" stuff should be done by the kernel driver, preferably as ioctls on the data character device, with the best interface discussed with linux-netdev and ModemManager folks.  There will eventually be other Cat9 WWAN devices with PCIe interfaces as USB2 480 Mbit/s is increasingly insufficient, so better try to get it right from the get go.

(Although AFAIK xmm7360 only reaches 450 Mbit/s down, 50 Mbit/s up, so the difference shouldn't be that big between PCIe and USB.)

Is there a better variant of the kernel driver I don't know of?  Hopefully..  :-//
« Last Edit: April 22, 2020, 03:14:20 am by Nominal Animal »

Offline rdl

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Re: Ubuntu 20.04 is out
« Reply #30 on: April 22, 2020, 04:16:09 am »
It's a Fibocomm 850GL, which is the ONLY white listed modem by current Lenovo BIOS.

What? A Lenovo BIOS with a whitelist? When did this kind of crap start? Why do people put up with it?
No more Lenovo for me I guess.

Offline Warhawk

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Re: Ubuntu 20.04 is out
« Reply #31 on: April 22, 2020, 11:00:13 am »
What? A Lenovo BIOS with a whitelist? When did this kind of crap start? Why do people put up with it?
No more Lenovo for me I guess.

Since IBM. They've been doing that for decades.
Be glad. They only whitelists WWAN nowadays. In the past they even whitelisted WLAN.
If I am not mistaken IBM had even whitelisted HDDs.
Nowadays, they don't whitelist that many things but more and more of them are permanently soldered on the board (e.g. WLAN).

Offline bd139

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Re: Ubuntu 20.04 is out
« Reply #32 on: April 22, 2020, 11:03:55 am »
The reason they did this was regional compliance not because of any intentional malice. Some juristictions required that the entire wireless system be shipped as tested and not field modified. Not that I gave a shit as I ran modded Thinkpad firmware for years  8)

Offline Warhawk

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Re: Ubuntu 20.04 is out
« Reply #33 on: April 22, 2020, 01:17:45 pm »
The reason they did this was regional compliance not because of any intentional malice. Some juristictions required that the entire wireless system be shipped as tested and not field modified. Not that I gave a shit as I ran modded Thinkpad firmware for years  8)
Yeah, I've just sold my trusy t430 with FHD IPS screen, quad core and keayboard mod. I still have a pile of thinkpads. Can't go back.  :D

Offline bd139

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Re: Ubuntu 20.04 is out
« Reply #34 on: April 22, 2020, 01:41:09 pm »
Yep. T470, T440, X201 here :-+

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