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[solved] TEX YodaII, keyboard: opinions?

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--- Quote from: legacy on December 07, 2019, 12:07:10 pm ---Talking about me, I don't know why there must be something wrong with the fingers(1) of my left hand, but I do find the CAPslock key so freaky terrible in a keyboard because I too often accidentally press it rather than pressing the tab key! So I seriously appreciated the HHKB of my friend for not having the CAPslock key at all.
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Yeah, I think I never use CAPSLOCK whatsoever. Pretty useless IMO.
As to key spacing, this is very much down to each individual's preferences and habits. I usually find the very small keyboards (like 60%) have too narrow key spacing for my taste, but that's mainly a matter of habit.

A real problem IMO is when you have to use different keyboards with significantly different sizes/layouts. It always feels clunky for a while. That's mainly why I always stuck to the traditional ISO layout, even though I had thought of trying something completely different. At some point, I was curious about the TypeMatrix for instance: , but problem is, if I had switched to this, going back to a regular keyboard would probably be pretty hard.


--- Quote from: legacy on December 07, 2019, 12:07:10 pm ---The terrible big CAPSlock key is also present in my Cherry keyboard, just in the place where it can collide with the pressure of the tab key. And how did I fix it? With a silicone drop under the key so it cannot be accidentally pressed as it usually happens when I type  :D

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It's the Compose key, or perhaps Ctrl on some keyboards, and you just broke it |O
What even is that CapsLock thing you guys are talking about? :-DD


--- Quote ---Those small keyboards are strictly a thing for coding drones who have never used any software other than a text editor and are proud of it.
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Bring back the Stanford/MIT/Symbolics Space Cadet keyboards - control-meta-top-cokebottle for the win!

My favorite keyboard for a long time has been the Macintosh full-sized "chicklet" keyboard.  I expected to hate it, but the feel is good, the spacing is "right", and the one I have has lasted close to 10 years now (except for the worn-away tops of a couple keys...)

I had a skype call with my brother yesterday, and he told me he absolutely needs the Numpad because it's where he maps extra symbols for the CAD program he uses.

Oh, so he needs a *big* keyboard  :D

Black Phoenix:

--- Quote from: legacy on December 10, 2019, 01:27:38 pm ---I had a skype call with my brother yesterday, and he told me he absolutely needs the Numpad because it's where he maps extra symbols for the CAD program he uses.

Oh, so he needs a *big* keyboard  :D

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Then your brother would go crazy if he got one of these:

Keep us updated when you received the "rack" keyboard, I wanna see in what kind of environment you use it.


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