I need to prepare a very custom setup that includes a wild hack of one of IKEA's cheap standing tables.
The desk is equipped with two electric motors to move the work table (IKEA wood) vertically plus up to 18Kg or workload.
On the worktable I have to install three 22" NEC VGA LCDs (4Kg each), connected to a machine that I am building with such old video technology.
Don't ask me why, but I have to use CAT5 cables for the VGA, and here is where problems arises: inferences! VGA has three analog signals for the colors {R, G, B}, with two digital signals for timing { V, H }, plus a simple i2c bus to query the monitor.
You can write these signals to a RJ45 connector, an use a CAT6 cable.
You can even remove the i2c bus and pair twist
RJ45.pin1: VGA.R \/\/ twisted pair0
RJ45.pin2: gnd /\/\ Ethernet Cat6
RJ45.pin3: VGA.G \/\/ twisted pair1
RJ45.pin4: gnd /\/\ Ethernet Cat6
RJ45.pin5: VGA.B \/\/ twisted pair2
RJ45.pin6: gnd /\/\ Ethernet Cat6
RJ45.pin7: VGA.V \/\/ twisted pair3
RJ45.pin8: VGA.H /\/\ Ethernet Cat6
(idea for a VGA-to-RJ45 adapter)
with R.gnd = G.gnd = B.gnd = gnd (not a good idea, but that's it)
I built one of these VGA-to-RJ45 adapter and it helps a bit with the two motors, but ... since it's a "passive solution", I wonder if there is a better one
- true differential pairs via differential OA? (still analog, but it should be less weak about peaks)
- VGA over Ethernet 100BaseT (copper PHY)? (digital solution)
- VGA over Ethernet 100BaseSX (optical fiber)? (optical digital solution, virtually nothing can disturb light)
The VGA cables are only 4 meters long, but they all go together with the 230V power cables, through the same conduit.
. ______
| |
Video1 ===========VGA===========| LCD1 | ______
230V ---------- 230V ---------|______| | |
Video2 ===========VGA====================| LCD2 | ______
230V ---------- 230V ------------------|______| | |
Video3 ===========VGA=============================| LCD3 |
230V ---------- 230V ---------------------------|______|
230v ---------- 230v --------------------
/ \
| |
MotorL MotorR
_______________ _______________ _______________
| || || |
| || || |
| 22inc || 22inc || 22inc |
| || || |
| |
Any experience?