I decided to take a guess at how difficult would it be to create a circuit to adjust the levels.
Analog ADA4412-3 is an integrated triple video filter chip with about 36 MHz bandwidth, designed for 720p/1080i. It has a fixed gain of 2x, so by attenuating its inputs, we can adjust the amplification. It also has an output DC offset adjustment of ±0.5V. It can use the +5V supply from the VGA connector, but to be able to get a negative DC offset, we also need a negative supply between -1V and -5V.
It is in stock at
JLCPCB for assembly, as well as at
lcsc.com, in QSOP-20, for about USD $3.20 apiece.
Here is my idea of an implementation (but do recall that I'm only a hobbyist, not an EE, and most members here could design a better schematic for this!):
On the host VGA side, pin 1 is connected to R, 2 to G, 3 to B, 6 to RGND, 7 to GGND, 8 to BGND; pin 9 provides +5V for V+. Pin 10, ground for VSync and DDC, is used as GND (and implicitly on the right side as the ground for the ROUT, GOUT, and BOUT signals on the converter side VGA connector). I do not know how to provide the -1V to -5V negative supply for V-, though; some kind of inverting circuit/regulator? Also, the V+ and V- might use some filtering, just in case.
R1+R4, R2+R5, R3+R6 are the voltage dividers for the input signals, also providing 75 Ohm termination as required. The wiper varies between 0.27× and 1.0× of the input voltage, so combined with the 2× gain in the chip, we can adjust the gain of each color component separately between 0.53 and 2.0.
R7 and R8 form the differential input pair to the output DC offset adjust; they're multiturn 10k pots. (R8 could be eliminated, by connecting LEVEL2 directly to GND, but this way they're both ratiometric to V+ and V-, and thus should yield a stabler offset.) Before soldering, they're both adjusted so that the wiper is about midway, ratiometrically the same for both.