As it's a Dell PC, just use their own pc check utilities on it. Assumes it boots, allows you into bios, and recognizes everything, all you need next is an OS. The dell utilities will exercise all the parts.
Throw an SSD in it, load up a temp win10 OS on it, and finally load up an appropriate pc check utilities from dell's website. You can then test all the hardware to see what has happened in this PC's hard life, to end up on the dump heap.
That's not the worst abuse I've seen, so it might work out for you ... a hurricane was the worst, with PC being relocated by tornadic winds, saltwater exposure, etc.
Some dumps have a special "location" for electronics, and if one has the time, it might be worth it to look through the stuff being dropped off, to find similar gems such as your dell tower, or UPS's that just need a battery, specialized audio equipment, and so on.
Hope this helps ...