Products > Computers

What would one say is the sweet spot for second hand servers?

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Without any support from the back, the weight of those servers would rip the wood screws from the table legs.  They are over 2 feed long and can weight ~25kg each.

Get you hands on an old one and take it apart, the build quality is much higher than a standard PC.

The Google appliances were sold/leased to companies to index their internal documents.  I don't know how much they differ from what they use internally.  But, I believe the they have long since moved to blades, running from a common (data center) 48v volt bus.

Years ago the likes of Yahoo used bog standard generic desktops. The idea was was they were much cheaper than a proper server.


--- Quote from: Towger on February 17, 2020, 09:46:41 pm ---Without any support from the back, the weight of those servers would rip the wood screws from the table legs.  They are over 2 feed long and can weight ~25kg each.

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Yeah, probably. I see people placing L profiles on their lackrack.

--- Quote from: Monkeh on February 17, 2020, 05:32:07 pm ---Have you ever installed a piece of rack mount equipment bigger than a switch?

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Nope, biggest thing was rackmounting multimeters.

I pretty much was in the same situation a couple of weeks ago - our storage was close to the limit and the disks reached their end of lifespan. So I went with a 24bay LFF used Supermicro, with Trays, 64GB of RAM, a very nice RAID-card with BBU plus all the trays, dual E5-2670, dual PSU - for just 750,- EUR shipped, including a 1-year warranty. That's a fracture the costs of a new server, you won't save that Money on power costs. (I might pull one CPU, as one CPU is enough for the job). 24x8TB, running on RAID6. Server is running on Windows10 (Desktop), that's good enough for a two-person use with lots of data.

Mr. Scram:

--- Quote from: Haenk on February 20, 2020, 06:50:36 am ---I pretty much was in the same situation a couple of weeks ago - our storage was close to the limit and the disks reached their end of lifespan. So I went with a 24bay LFF used Supermicro, with Trays, 64GB of RAM, a very nice RAID-card with BBU plus all the trays, dual E5-2670, dual PSU - for just 750,- EUR shipped, including a 1-year warranty. That's a fracture the costs of a new server, you won't save that Money on power costs. (I might pull one CPU, as one CPU is enough for the job). 24x8TB, running on RAID6. Server is running on Windows10 (Desktop), that's good enough for a two-person use with lots of data.

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Are you sure about the power consumption? Those are rather ancient servers by now and definitely not frugal. The E5-2670 boxes on offer often are old Facebook servers they got rid of a few years back. They flooded the market and were surprisingly cheap back then.


--- Quote from: OwO on February 16, 2020, 08:42:05 am ---I highly recommend not mixing network services (web, file, mail, etc) with local terminals (VMs serving thin clients) or (!!!) local users. I thought the server and thin client model was obsolete since the 18th century.

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Hence ransomware, mainteinance hell...


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