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Which Cloud Service do you (or your company) use or plan to use?

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--- Quote from: bd139 on June 01, 2019, 01:57:15 pm ---All the AI offerings are a joke so I wouldn’t worry. I know a big fintech that went through them all spending millions for basic risk management stuff and came to the conclusion a pigeon pecking on a yes/no button had the same outcome quality.

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The canned AI model offerings from cloud providers are too generalized, so they won't give good results on everyone's specific datasets.

Our machine learning team regularly avoids using cloud services for any model training/tesing due to high cost.
Good guide for DIY deep learning setup here:


--- Quote from: bd139 on June 01, 2019, 09:45:07 am ---Your latter point is what worries me. Once you’ve glued everything into lambda you’re SOL if you want to move away. I only recommend the IaaS and portable services when I architect anything for the cloud.

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To a point.  The databases that the lambda connect to could be easily migrated to.  MySQL = MySQL.     The object store ( S3 ) coudl be done with something else.       I'm using Python for my lambdas.    I'd have to investigate what kind of API you could stick in front of them, to make them lambda like.         At least for my use case, the costs are not crazy.    I'm in the league of a few thousand requests per day,   not 100,000/sec


--- Quote from: rrinker on May 30, 2019, 01:23:49 pm ---I do have a large print of a sticker I saw hanging in my cube.

This one

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There are no utilities, just someone else's generator.

Solar panels?


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