Products > Computers

Which RAM Type Is This

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I'm upgrading the RAM in my old Win based oscilloscope and did so in another same model scope; from 256MB to 512MB.

Long story short, this was the RAM I bought for I think $20 off CL (x2 256MB sticks - I didn't want to mix manufactures). Now I want to buy similar RAM, but I'm trying to figure out if this type RAM is exclusively 168 pins (from what I've read). Before I spend the asking prices off eBay, I wanted to confirm I'm purchasing the correct pin count.

Nothing on the label seems to indicate pin count, can someone tell me if 168 is the correct count (physically counting pins didn't seem to add to 168).

Kim Christensen:
Looks like PC133 RAM can come in two different form factors. (168-pin or 144-pin)

Okay, so I'm not crazy because that's what I had found.

Unless I'm wrong, I think notch spacing/location defines the pins count, but I seldom dealt with RAM; and haven't dealt with RAM for years.

The only thing you needed to do is googling its part number.

That's what I did and found both 144 and 168.

I wanted to confirm whether PC133 had an exclusive pin count and looks like these are 168. I wasn't sure if it had equal pins on both sides of the PCB; else I would have did a pin count and doubled it.


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