Products > Computers
Win7 forgot my desktop background
Explorer also has this thing where renaming or deleting files pops up an error dialog, "Could not find this item", Try Again / Cancel. Hit Try Again and it works. Don't have a clue what stupid thing started that (it's been some years), or how to fix it...
But eh, there are bigger oddities with how this Win7 is installed. It's like a beater car, it still works fine as such, but it's got so much crap moved around and patched over that you sometimes have to just wonder...
--- Quote from: T3sl4co1l on April 24, 2020, 03:49:03 pm ---Explorer also has this thing where renaming or deleting files pops up an error dialog, "Could not find this item", Try Again / Cancel. Hit Try Again and it works. Don't have a clue what stupid thing started that (it's been some years), or how to fix it...
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Never seen this one.
--- Quote from: T3sl4co1l on April 24, 2020, 03:49:03 pm ---But eh, there are bigger oddities with how this Win7 is installed. It's like a beater car, it still works fine as such, but it's got so much crap moved around and patched over that you sometimes have to just wonder...
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Ahah, I see.
Well, my current install of Win7 is the same as the original one I did in 2009 I think. Of course updated. I upgraded the machine on a regular basis, but always cloned the OS instead of reinstalling it, to minimize wasted time. Has always worked fine and I was always able to reactivate the license (the key is never to change too much at the same time: for instance, change the motherboard+CPU, but not the hard drive. Then change the hard drive later on and clone), and get my exact environment back to what it was before upgrading the hardware.
I don't know if such a procedure would work these days with Win10. I suspect it may not.
Electro Detective:
Win 10 is always calling home, in a desperate effort to eventually update itself from it's ongoing Beta status, to Win7 or XP usefulness ,
and mine some private user data on the way 8)
so any legit hardware swaps or disaster recovery may not stay activated
Unlike Win 7 and all the Windows OS previously :clap: it's not your OS anymore, just some lease/rental code with no option to buy the annoying pos
I'm not sure Microsoft really cares if a copy of Windows 10 is licensed or was paid for.
Electro Detective:
It's still Windows and still a 'one horse race' computing monopoly for the average home clicker to roll with
so they're not losing money giving it away 'loaning' it for free, as they get a good cut from apps running on it
a few bucks from hardware manufacturers and OEMs etc
and they won't do anything seriously silly to be out of a paycheck
For me Win 10 is just a re-skinned Win 7, 8, 8.1 OS that wants to play guard dog come boss
I'd rather fire up a COA OEM licensed XP or Vista box or Linux, rather than Win 10 or a Mac money pit
I could care less if XP. Vista or 7 are 'unsupported',
they work, run all apps and fast, and malware free,
what's the 'support' or lack of it going to do for a reasonably informed user ? :-//
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